Rabu, 09 Desember 2015


To travel Sundak Jogja Beautiful - District Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta is one of the areas rich tourism potential. Especially known many coastal areas are beautiful and exotic. Usually, tourists who enjoy a long weekend in the city this hot always include coastal tourism in one of the tours, and more tourist attractions in Jogja that must be visited as Malioboro, Parangtritis and certainly Borobudur even if it is located in Magelang, Central Java, but is often combined with Jogja packages.

Location Sundak Yogyakarta
a beautiful beaches and beautiful in Yogyakarta is Sundak beach. p Location antai Sundak Yogyakarta exactly Sidoharjo Village, region District Tepus of and administratively entered into the Gunung Kidul.

Pantai Sundak Jogja
A corner in Sundak Jogja

To reach the beach you Jogja Sundak takes about 2 hours from downtown Yogyakarta . And go to the beach this beautiful Sundak Jogja you can take up Wonosari, then to the Gunung Kidul area Tepus.

Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
Relax in Sundak Yogyakarta
journey from the city of Yogyakarta on the beach Sundak it is long enough. But do not worry, because trips to the beach Sundak Jogja to pass j Alan and for the outline of a large number of mounted and certainly sufficient air was cool when entered region Wonosari. Entering area Tepus you can see the green of nature is beautiful because of the many gardens and fields owned by residents.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
happened to Sundak Jogja
When you are at the location of the beach Sundak Jogja, d ari park vehicle ashore only about 4 0-50 meters. Sundak quite famous sandy beaches white and clean. However, as typical of the south coast, the beach Sundak have vague pretty big waves , so it should not be used for swimming . Indeed, instead of beach Sundak Yogyakarta which directly borders the Indian Ocean.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
There should not swim in Sundak
The saltwater beach Sundak indeed very b cement to do expanse of stone small reef along the beach may saw with clear. On the right side and also to the left of the beach there a rocks large enough great. This rock or by limiting separate side Sundak with area beach another.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
History unique Sundak
History Sundak
the origin of the name of the beach Sundak according to local residents is derived from asu and hedgehogs. A story circulating in the coastal areas of the community to mention that age first when, around the year 1976 No a dog feel hunger and in search of food in a cave, the dog finally found urchins room, eventually the two were fighting with the cave that exist off the coast of Sundak . When dog owners looking for the presence of pets, suddenly hungry dog ​​is out of the cave with the nip portion of the body hedgehog.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
historic Caves Sundak
dog owner named Arja sangku and entered into Kriya cave had a curiosity with the dog's body is wet, and find hedgehog body parts left in the cave. But that does suspects There are freshwater springs. After a long period spring finally used by citizens around to needs everyday life. This incident has become a blessing for the people because it has been for decades, they lack water. Based on the story popular and the a is named Sundak. Sundak is combined asu (Java, which means dog in Indonesian) a hedgehog. Before the incident, the name of this beach is daeran Wedi baedah.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
Used Sundak named Wedibaedah
Until now, the cave is still there and can be visited. Caves history is formed of rocks with a height of about 12 meters. Inside the cave you will find natural wells like the above story, which is where local residents get fresh water. Now, fresh water of the cave was distributed to citizens through the pipeline.
Beautiful Sundak Beach Indonesia
Most of the cabins are rented community
facilities in the area Sundak Jogja
If you want to spend the night here, you must bring the equipment to set up a tent and build a fire, because in this area there is no hotel for the night. But for business meals, you should not worry because around the coasts of many stalls of merchants that provide food. You can also spend the time to be able to enjoy the beauty of Sundak in small huts that were provided by communities around the coast. The cabins are indeed rented to tourists, but residents there who charge a flat fee, visitors can pay with seikhlasnya. Sundak on the coast there is also a mosque and a public bathroom which can be exploited by visitors.

beach Sundak entry price is 4000 rupees in a normal day, while the holiday weekend or when the summer vacation you charged five thousand rupees. Prices subject to change.


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