Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015



Disneyland Indonesia will be built in Bandung - Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil told the press that the City Government (City Government) Bandung will begin to explore the cooperation to achieve the construction of Disney Land Indonesia several large US companies (US) which is included in the plans to build Bandung Teknopolis which will be concentrated in the area Gedebage -. Bandung

Really Disneyland Indonesia will be built in Singapore? During his meeting with Robert Blake, the US ambassador to Indonesia in the office of the mayor of Bandung, Wednesday, April 2, 2014 ago, Blake also said that some US companies are eager to expand its investment in Bandung Teknopolis.

disney mickey mouse

prepared to put Disney Bandung Indonesia

Blake said that one of the large companies, there is an entertainment company, Disney. Emil Kang, thus the nickname Ridwan Kamil, did not argue when asked about the possibility, there is the famous company in the world with iconic Mickey Mouse will build a Disneyland amusement rides in Bandung .

According to Emil Kang, the possibilities of cooperation will be discussed in a special forum between the Government of Bandung with US companies and the US universities who will discuss with the routine of various programs will be made. "Later, ask if (Disneyland) can invest here," said Emil Kang for mayor of the city of Bandung, on Wednesday morning.

Moreover Ridwan Kamil added that the immense possibility of Disneyland will be built in the city of Bandung, Bandung because the city is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. Emil Kang also added that Bandung was wisatawannya reached 6 million people. In his leisure market is very large, second only to the island of Bali.

wait, Disneyland Indonesia will be built in Singapore in the near future? If that happens, it will complement the tourist destinations in the city of Bandung, which until now have already included many games that is still quite new, as Bandung Trans Studio, Metro Fantasy Waterpark, Kampung Gajah Wonderland or a variety of rides others in the city of flowers.

Related Post "Disneyland will be built in Indonesia BANDUNG"

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