Attractions in Karanganyar, Demak and Grobogan - Before provide a list of tourist attractions in Karanganyar, Demak and Grobogan, we first identify an outline of the three regions in central Java, which is a tourist attraction spot.
Karanganyar is districts in Central Java province on administrative center located in Karanganyar City, about 14 km east of Surakarta. Regency Karanganyar directly adjacent to the S Ragen in the north, in the direction directly adjacent to Ngawi and Magetan which included East Java province, in southbound by Wonogiri, while in the west, Regency Boyolali, Surakarta and Sukoharjo.
waterfall Jumog in Karanganyar |
Karanganyar district has an enclave located between Boyolali, Sukoharjo and Surakarta also named the district Colomadu. Here list of tourist attractions in Karanganyar, Central Java
- Agrowisata Sondokoro
- Niagara Parangijo in Ngargoyoso district
- Astana Giribangun in Matesih district
- Astana Mangadeg in the Matesih district
- Cetho in Jenawi district
- Sukuh in Ngargoyoso district
- Niagara Grojogan Sewu in sub Tawangmangu
- Niagara Jumog in Ngargoyoso district
waterfall Grojogan Sewu in Karanganyar |
- Bains hot Cumpleng in Tawangmangu district
- Bains Sapta Tirta Pablengan in Matesih district
- Tea Plantation Kemuning
- Puri Taman Saraswati in Jenawi district
- Taman Ria Balekambang in tourist areas Tawangmangu
- Wana Mount Bromo in Mojogedang district
Demak regency is one of regencies in central Java province. District which is famous with visits religinya is directly adjacent to the Java Sea to the west, in the north with the district of Jepara, eastern directly bordering the Holy district in south-Grobogan Regency and the west is directly adjacent to the City and District Semarang, Demak itself according to Wikipedia has an area of 897.43 km² with a population of 1,055,579 inhabitants in 2010. the following is list of tourist attractions in Demak, Central Java to the travel enthusiasts:
- Mosque Demak in the district of Demak
- Turkish Morodemak in the Bonang district
- Tomb of the Kings Demak in the district of Demak
- Sunan Kalijaga in the SPSS
- Tourism Region Pucang Ivoire
Turkish Morosari |
- Turkish Morosari in the Sayung district
- temple Hok Tek Bio in the Bonang district
- House Travel Kendure n the Wedung district
- Agro Tourism Demak
Grobogan is a region district Central Java province. Grobogan are the largest area of 2 in province Central Java under Cilacap . Grobogan border are directly with the other nine districts his . In other words, with Blora in following is , while in the south bordered by Ngawi belonging East Java, Boyolali and Sragen in the west bordering directly with Semarang District as well as in management north border Demak, Kudus and also Pati regency. There are several tourist attractions that can be enjoyed by hikers or tourists Grobogan. Here list of attractions Grobogan Central Java
- Fire Eternal Mrapen in district comments Godong
- Kedung Ombo in Subdistrict Geyer
- Tomb of Ki Ageng Calf Peteng in Subdistrict Tawangharjo
- Bledug Kuwu in Kradenan
- Niagara thistle in district Tawangharjo
- Masjid KH Burham
- Lawa Cave and Cave of the Tigers in Subdistrict Grobogan
Bledug Kuwu in Grobogan |
- Caves Urang in district comments Tawangharjo
- Tomb of Ki Ageng Tarub
- Cindelaras in Subdistrict Toroh
- Reservoir Klambu in Klambu district
- Tomb of Ki Ageng Selo in Subdistrict Tawangharjo
- Spring Coyo in the district Pulokulon
this list of tourist attractions in Karanganyar, Demak and Grobogan which included natural attractions, historical tourism, religious tourism and some play equipment for your family vacation destination. Enjoy your trip!
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