Jumat, 11 Desember 2015


Culinary Tourism Bandung Broom Sticks - Attractions in Bandung is endless. Year after year, there is always a new tourist attraction that opened in Bandung and its surroundings, whether the nature, arcades, shopping or culinary tours. Shops and culinary specialty, grew faster with the proliferation of factory shops, boutiques, restaurants, cafee and restaurant in Bandung . On this occasion tempatwisatamu.com give an opinion on a culinary tourist destinations Bandung , specifically in Lembang. The name of this place is Spanish Broom Sticks Lembang . A place to eat with a very interesting atmosphere.

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
dinner menu Sundanese in Broom Sticks Lembang
to room are delicious or culinary tours Bandung is a lot of choice. You can eat in the restaurant with a varied menu and a comfortable place. Broom Sticks is one of them, Restaurant it gives you the rice fields of atmosphere and natural nature. Back home in Nuance Broom Sticks is very thick. Because in addition to the restaurant's atmosphere is unique, the food menu is also offered an appetizing menu Sundanese. For those of you who like cooking and natural attractions, culinary tours to Broom Sticks Bandung became one of the most appropriate choice for sightseeing flowers on a weekend or a long stay arrives.

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
Sweep Lidi Lembang, a unique restaurant with the feeling home
tourists were all day driving around to various websites Lembang , may adopt to order food while sitting on Broom key. Broom Sticks in Lembang Visitors can sit and relax on the bench or simple huts feature a shingle roof scattered among rice fields and ponds. By sitting lesbian, you are invited to feel the atmosphere of the country, surrounded natural feel of the mountains . You can choose to sit at the top of the hut above the rice paddies or above the pond.

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
can choose to eat in the best rice fields or on a
Location Broom Sticks Lembang Bandung indeed pole with nice region hills above the village Cihideung Lembang t precisely on the road Bajuri sergeant in the area of ​​complex Graha Puspa . simple huts where visitors eat a meal there among the trees released is in harmony with nature. In a central location Broom Sticks, you can see the fish ponds, while on the edges there Strawberry garden are always successful, so it was very refreshing air.

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
Broom Sticks assign a unique name on the culinary menu
[menu culinary Broom Sticks very interesting with different menu Sundanese some of which have now been difficult to find. For example, as the Kahaseupan and chicken are also goyobod. Another menu is no less interesting and named as unique, making visitors feel curious to try, like Herb Grandma Magic Sate Ayam Edan, squid dag- Dig-Dug Kukurilingan know Fish Linker and various other menu .

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
culinary tourism in Broom Sticks with taste and price dikantong connection
price of food in restaurants Broom Sticks Lembang Bandung ranges from Rp 10 thousand to 85 thousand. Prices were very reasonable and served in an atmosphere of natural place and awaken your appetite.

Unique restaurant Sapu Lidi Lembanf Bandung Indonesia
Popped Sticks Broom after visiting the sites in Lembang
in addition to serving a full menu of interesting food, broom sticks also provide various souvenirs typical of Bandung. Well, how about you? Are eager to try culinary journey Sapu Lidi Bandung? Do not forget to visit other attractions that exist in Lembang as Tangkuban Perahu Situ Lembang , Kampung Gajah, Forest Maribaya and many more.

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