Selasa, 07 April 2015


Camping and tourism in Curug Cileat Subang - The southern area of ​​ of Subang district is has region enough rich in natural resources and also potential Travel. In this place there was falls more high region Subang South including is in region Kampung Cibago Desa Mayang , the region Subdistrict Cisalak. Citizens Subang call waterfall or Curug Cileat.

It is also mentioned that Cileat waterfall is the highest Subang Regency , because of its height -Dessus of 100 meters and located in the high cliffs at the foot of Mount kindergarten. The highest waterfall in the district of Subang This can be accessed from the forked road - Subang, then head towards Jalan Cisalak, then go to the village road Mayangan of expensive Access Road Substation in Subdistrict Cisalak.
Tempat Wisata Curug Cileat Subang Jawa Barat
Curug Cileat Subang intact

Kampung Cibago are last village to be met people after passing the village road Mayangan with using the vehicle . Kampung Cibago Visitors had to continue on foot or less as far as five kilometers can be reached in an hour ride through the green area of ​​rice fields and jungle.

Tempat Wisata Curug Cileat Subang Jawa Barat 1
the access road to the waterfall is always bad
infrastructure rural roads are to to last hometown enough bad so an obstacle own will be found visitors when to to falls or waterfall Cileat. Nevertheless, every weekend or on national holidays arrive, dozens of people are quite faithful visited hidden waterfall are, in fact, they are often camping and travel to Curug Cileat Subang, specifically in forest area located near the waterfall.

for the visitors who come here, do not worry if you do not know location Curug Cileat Subang for some, because people in the village Cibago available to take visitors not to get lost in the woods.

On the way to the waterfall that is still natural, visitors will pass by three waterfalls that have a relatively low altitude, which can be used as a place to rest and relax before continuing the trip to the waterfall Cileat. In addition, the forest natural with pe tree and are very shady will be will be met along the way which during about 1 hour.
Tempat Wisata Curug Cileat Subang Jawa Barat 2
Many campers when the long leave
cascade flow Cileat that fell cliffs as high as 100 meter and continue flowing through the river Ciseupan and continues to flow as berhilir riveting Cipunagara. When holiday long arrived people that came to the waterfall Cileat Subang will be increases. This is a blessing for Cibago villagers they stay around the waterfall while sell because of people enough many who camped here .

According to a senior he , the height of the waterfall or waterfall Cileat becomes a prima donna [1945011secteur] Subang district. Unfortunately , government intervention is not enough felt that where natural waterfall Cileat is less developed.

During this attraction Curug Cileat Subang managed by village Cibago Not without his government assistance local . Residents who is also the director of the waterfall set h arga admission tickets Curug Cileat Subang only US $ 00 the price admission Curug Cileat Subang affordable enough certainly will not be the burden of visitors at this age. If only the government could help facilitate the development of this attraction by simplifying access roads for vehicles and access to visitors feet to go all environments and also in order not to hazard visitors, it is not impossible that exotic sites will star in the eyes of national Subang.
Objek Wisata Curug Cileat Subang Jawa Barat
route is beautiful in Curug Cileat Subang
according to Agus Tias, Secretary Disudpar Subang Regency as quoted by page mentions that the beauty of the region attraction Cileat Subang Curug property has the potential to improve the original pendapataan area (CSA) Subang . But unfortunately whoever still constrained by poor infrastructure to Curug he. for developers a location Curug Cileat Subang which is an asset belong Perhutani the necessary Budget not a few . While the budget Subang number of is only about Rp 1500000000000 will not be able to may develop attraction Curug Cileat Subang maximum.

Tias Agus also said that the development of the location of the waterfall Cileat Subang to become a better tour for the exemption of provincial budgets ana forestry, especially the neighborhood Curug Cileat is owned Perhutani assets, which means that development must be carried out by the tripartite.

are you interested and challenged for camping and travel Curug Cileat Subang? Nature lovers will certainly not be missed.


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