Sabtu, 25 April 2015


Attractions Oray Tapa Bandung - Another tourist spot Bandung which should be used as a tourist destination with your family in Bandung . have you visited Forum Object travel Oray Tapa Bandung ? Tourist Attractions Oray Tapa is one of Wa ha na Attractions Nature located in region Bandung, West Java sites on it precisely in the village of Mekar Manik , the region Subdistrict Cimenyan. Oray Tapa a natural beauty of mixed pine forests with fir region . The rows of green trees and bordered could m emanjakan eye ​​ we to view. S Elain of the potential area o bjek travel Oray tapa include is mixed plantation tree, natural forest extensive views of for directions Bandung also air tasted very fresh and soft. As of also aerah are clear water source.

objek wisata oray tapa bandung
corner Attractions Oray Tapa
Object Travel Oray Tapa Bandung b Erada on height of about a r 700 m ether above the surface water sea. rainfall at this location 00 mm / year with an average temperature of between 19-26 degrees Celsius tasted enough cold , especially for tourists who daily live in a hot area . Oray Tapa is itself a B Ahasa S sense unda Indonesian is imprisoned snake.

Why Tapa Bandung Attractions snake is named? Many person who think that appointing Oray Tapa own because the road conditions at this location are saw meandering as snake was imprisoned. But besides that there are many people who talk to them together at the time of the royal past. P endapat i or reinforced with much his population living around tourist attractions Oray Tapa this objects -benda found ancient heritage suspected is historical times kingdom first. In fact, many researchers state that the sites Oray Tapa many artifacts artifacts of culture in ancient times, but so far there has been no one knows for sure and clear out the origins of Oray Tapa him -even.

objek wisata oray tapa bandung
Oray Tapa also where the all-terrain
Since the middle of months September to 1997 earlier said there story is pretty miraculous and also a little smelly mystic . This to the existence of Water sources instead suddenly appears when dry season and droughts arrived. water sources Even this is increasingly well known in the community around when one of a citizens Bandung paralysis and of area Antapani Bandung then came to bathe in the place of spring them.

objek wisata oray tapa bandung
There are magical sources Oray Tapa
Before coming to the location of eyes water in sites Oray Tapa on citizens paralyzed admitted he received wangsit to bathe in if he would like illness suffered missing and healed . And Magic disease was suddenly disappeared after bathing it . Then followed new with 4 other people who came to Attractions Oray Tapa Cimenyan and also suffer a variety of kind of disease. They bathe in water resources is the same as the previous Antapani citizens . And it is said, said companies around after swimming in water source when back home all disease suddenly felt lost and on healing. Is it a myth or not, you certainly have his own ideas, which is clearly the ultimate healer is God regardless of the medium.

objek wisata oray tapa bandung
Given Bandung height Oray Tapa
There af asilitas is available in vehicle attraction Oray Tapa is sufficient to provide convenience for visitors with their signs to , ticketing, parking wide enough paths much seat entertainment praying worship , MCK manicured and shelter. are you interested? Please come and have fun!


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