Places Boyolali, Brebes and Cilacap - Boyolali is one of the counties in the region Central Java province. administrative center is located in the district of Boyolali, Boyolali the location is about 25 km west of the city of Surakarta. Boyolali directly adjacent to Semarang da n also Grobogan in the direction of the north, in the direction of the east bordering directly with Sukoharjo, Sragen, Karanganyar and Solo, while in the south bordered by the district of Klaten and also Yogyakarta Special Region and in the west, Regency of Semarang and Magelang regency. Here list of tourist attractions in Boyolali to the travel enthusiasts:
- Wana Kedung Ombo in the district Kemusu
- Niagara Kedung Kayang in district Selo
- Petilasan Ki Kebo Kanigoro in District Selo
- Tomb of Raden Ngabehi Yosodipuro in Subdistrict Banyudono
- Mosque Cipto Mulyo Pengging
waterfall Kedung Kayang |
- Pesanggrahan Pracimoharjo in district Cepogo
- Petilasan Ki Ageng Pantaran
- Tomb of Ki Ageng Kebo Kenanga in Banyudono district
- Bannerman Tlatar
- Selo Boyolali collar in District Selo
- Tomb of Ki Ageng Singoprono in Sambi district
- the tomb of King Handayaningrat in Subdistrict Banyudono
- Tirto Marto Pengging in District Banyudono
- Cengklik tank in Subdistrict Ngemplak
is of Boyolali sites in Central Java for those who want a holiday with family or friends. also give list of tourist attractions in Brebes, Central Java . Brebes still be in the region of Central Java province. According to Wikipedia, an area of 1657.73 km² Brebes, Brebes total population numbered about 1,732,719 inhabitants in 2010 ago. Brebes also a district with the most population in the province of Central Java, and the region is also the second most common class the largest in central Java after Cilacap. Here is a list of tourist attractions in Brebes Central Java as a tourist destination on weekends:
- Turkish Randusanga Belle
- tank Malahayu in the district Banjarharjo
- Candi Lap in Paguyangan
- hot water bath Tirta Husada in Subdistrict Paguyangan
- tank Penjalin in Subdistrict Paguyangan
Ponds Ranjeng |
- hot water Cipanas in the district Bantarkawung
- Caves Japan in the Tea Plantation Kaligua area
- Tea Plantation Kaligua in Subdistrict Paguyangan
- Ponds Ranjeng in the district Paguyangan
the third part of the article on attractions Boyolali, Brebes and Cilacap are list of tourist attractions in Cilacap, Java central . Cilacap is one district region Central Java province. Cilacap abut direct with Brebes and also Banyumas in [next North eastern borders Banyumas and Kebumen in following south with Indian ocean in an east west directly adjacent to the area of the province of west Java, a region Ciamis, Pangandaran Regency and Banjar .
Because b erbatasan directly with region West Java, Cilacap becomes region meeting between Javanese culture Banyumasan by culture Sundanese . The following is a list of tourist attractions in Cilacap, Central Java for you who want a vacation or a hiker
- Kampung Laut
- Mont Srandil
- Fort Pendem
- flow Caves Masigit in Nusakambangan
- Hot Cipari in Subdistrict Sidareja
- Tomb Panembahan wiling in District Cilacap Central
- Curug Cigombong in Subdistrict Majenang
- weir Caves
- Airports Tunggul Wulung
- Queen Caves and Cave princess in Nusakambangan
- Caves Ronggeng in Nusakambangan
- Tomb Ketapang Dengklok in Cilacap South district
- Tomb of Duke gobog in the district of Cilacap South
- Tomb Panembahan leaves the barn in Cilacap South district
- Mont Selok in the district Adipala
the list of tourist attractions in Boyolali, Brebes and Cilacap. Three districts in the province of Central Java, which saves a lot of beautiful sites and you should try to explore. Including natural attractions, historical tourism, religious tourism and some arcades.
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