Kamis, 02 April 2015


Tegal is among the cities in central Java, the location is adjacent to Brebes, Pemalang, Banyumas. Tegal City is located remains on the north coast or the coastal road north in Central Java, located about 165 km in the west side of the city of Semarang, about 329 km more to the east of Jakarta.

although the city of Tegal is not recognized for one in the cultural center of Java, but the existing art here has evolved quite rapidly. Various cultural discussions organized by providing a certain national or local culture. Original art that comes from Tegal know how to dance and also Endel-balo balo.

Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci Tegal
Tourism Park hot water Jar Tegal
for those who want to get to Tegal, below is a list of attractions to tegal Jateng that will infokan admin for you created so that the current recommendation would be on vacation in Tegal.
  1. Turkish Alam Indah, which is equipped with a wide range of platforms, monitoring of substations, water boom, Marine Monument, and entertainment stage.
  2. Sightseeing water Door Mas Maritime Waterpark (A water park is the largest in Central Java)
  3. teapot Parks, who is located opposite the train station Tegal equipped with a variety of games for children and decorated with lights, perfect for a family who wants Hang, because here there are many vendors selling typical dishes Tegal
  4. Curug Putri a waterfall which has a height of about 25 meters
  5. Goa Lawet -. the location in the village of Harjowinangun, Balapulang
  6. Gunung Putri - the location in the village of Cintamanik, Bumijawa
  7. Mont Tanjung - location in the village Lebaksiu, Lebaksiu
  8. Tomb Kalisoka - the location in the village Kalisoka, Dukuhwaru
  9. Tomb ki Gede Sebayu - location in the village Danawarih, Balapulang
  10. Tomb Semedo - location in the village Semedo Kedungbanteng
  11. Sunan Amangkurat I - location in the village Pesarean, Adiwerna
  12. Suro Tomb Ponolawen - the location village Pagiyanten, Adiwerna
  13. Tomb Syech Upper Wind - the location in the village of Commerce, District Dukuhwaru
  14. Tomb of Prince Benowo - the location in the village of Balamoa, District Pangkah
  15. Tomb of Prince Hanggawana - the location in the village of Kalisoka, District Dukuhwaru
  16. Shrine Tek Hay Kiong - Plots to Jalan Gurame No. 4
  17. The Hok Kiong Temple - The location in Jalan Ahmad Yani Gen. No. 18
  18. Ban Eng Bio Temple - Holiday rentals in Jalan Station No. 1, Adiwerna
  19. Turkish Purwaharamba Indah - the location in the village Purwahamba, Suradadi
  20. Bains Hot water pot - the location in the village of Bojong Rembul and Ds. Urn Bumijawa
  21. Telaga Air Cempaka - The location in the village of Cempaka, Bumijawa
  22. Tirta Reservoir Cacaban - location in the village Panujah, Kedungbanteng
shopping Places in Tegal
  1. Pacific Mall
  2. Supermarkets Hypermart
  3. Queen Pasaraya
  4. Rita super Mall
  5. Rita Pasaraya
  6. Toserba Yogya (coming in the old building Dedy Jaya Plaza)
  7. Supermarkets Pearl Light
  8. Toserba friends Putra
  9. Minimarket Nias
  10. Minimarket We
  11. Minimarket Sumbrodo
  12. Morning Market
  13. Fish Market Kraton
  14. Pasar Sore
  15. Minimarket Partners
transport / transport public in the town of Tegal
  1. public Transportation yellow (Terminal - stations - Banjaran - Slawi)
  2. city Transport blue ( Pasarpagi - captain Ismail - Pasarsore - Banjaran)
  3. Transport Blue yellow (Terminal - Mejasem)
  4. Transport Border (Terminal - Dukuhturi - Adiwerna - Banjaran)
  5. Transport Yellow Blue (Terminal - Pasarpagi - Kramat - Kemantran)

some information attractions in Central Java Tegal I can share with you in need. You can also come to visit Dieng, Visit to Solo Tour in Semarang, Magelang tour that also exist in the province of Central Java.


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