Rabu, 22 April 2015


Trip To Parangtritis Yogyakarta - Questioned on the beach in Jogja, certainly the first as the answer is certainly the name Parangtritis beach. Yes, Parangtritis is most famous beach in Yogyakarta . If you want to get coolest views of sunset and romantic in the city of Yogyakarta , Parangtritis is the answer.

origin of the name Parangtritis is its own history. According to locals, in the days of old, there was a fugitive of Majapahit named Dipokusumo come to this area of ​​the beach for meditation. When he saw a net water droplets dripping and under rock crevices, he was later appointed the beach area became Parangtritis. Said parang means stone and Tumaritis means water droplets.
beautiful beach, Parangtritis Indonesia
Enjoy the sunset at Parangtritis

Location Parangtritis beautiful is not too far from downtown Yogyakarta. Only about 27 km to South . You can bring your own vehicle or transport general operation up to 17 hours. There are two routes you can take to get to beach gastritis machete it. First, the road of Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Siluk - Parangtritis, in this way, you can see an interesting view of the river and the beautiful coral reefs. Second, you can take the route of Yogyakarta -. Parangtritis beach that can be reached easily because the roads are smooth and relatively well

beautiful beach, Parangtritis Indonesia
Enjoy the beauty of the beach Parangtritis Yogyakarta from a height of
Usually in the afternoon visitors will be more increasingly coming to the Parangtritis beach, because sunsetnya atmosphere is a favorite of tourists. If you want to see the beauty of all Parangtritis and exotic sea areas south of height, you can go to Tebing Gembirawati are in part of behind the Parangtritis .

In the field of Activities Parangtritis Yogyakarta is there a temple can be visited, the temple name Gembirawati . There was a few hundred meters from the beach. Parangtritis This simply can not be separated from the sea legend Ratu Kidul or Queen of the South Coast are very popular. Some communities of Yogyakarta mem believe i that Parangtritis nice This is door to magic kingdom Queen sea Kidul who controls the Southern ocean.

In addition, there are other historical sites you can visit when traveling to the beach Parangtritis Yogyakarta Travel . One is the tomb of Sheikh Bela Belu which is on the road leading to the beach. You can go to the tomb area with a staircase that connects the road with a hill on which this pilgrimage. In general, the pilgrims came here on Tuesday kliwon.

Some people also believe that Parangtritis This is a place of Panembahan Senopati encounter with a Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijaga shortly after completion of the Hermitage. During the meeting, Panembahan Senopati reminded by Sunan Kalijaga to remain humble as leader despite having supernatural powers.

beautiful beach, Parangtritis Indonesia
legend of the Queen South sea Parangtritis
Wait, you do not think could swim to Parangtritis beach . The beach is a beach is the one that imposed a ban on tourists to swim. There are several things you can do to enjoy the atmosphere of beach besides the beautiful sunset. Maybe you can rent a mountain bike is a lot there to visit around the coast. Or you can take Bendi (carriage) along the shore as dusk was beginning to turn yellow. There is also an offer to ride along the beach.

If you are not satisfied to enjoy the beauty of landscape around Parangtritis shore, you can move towards the cave to feel a different atmosphere. On a dirt road to get to the cave, you can look to the west coast and see the beauty of other Parangtritis beach. The waves were great to get to the shore will look silvery sun exposure and color will resemble gold when the sun began to turn red or just before dusk.

Want another activity? You can also play the kite family with kites that are sold around the beach. If still dissatisfied enjoy twilight atmosphere on the beach Parangtritis Yogyakarta , maybe you can also enjoy the atmosphere of the night here, if the weather is sunny many traders are on mats in the area the coast, especially toasted corn merchant. Around the coast are also many inns with relatively affordable if you're too late there.

beautiful beach, Parangtritis Indonesia
Enjoy the sunset on the beach with the rise Benji
If you pay a visit to get to the beach Parangtritis Yogyakarta to coincide with the 5th and 5th month of the Chinese calendar, you will have the added benefit because it can look Peh Cun ceremony procession in Parangtritis . tradition Celebration Peh Cun in Parangtritis Yogyakarta This is very unique because it is not filled with paddle boats decorated with a dragon attractions as has been done in other places, but Peh Cun filled here with stand egg attractions. You are interested in been Parangtritis ? Soon to come here!

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