Senin, 27 April 2015

FOREST Jayagiri BANDUNG, TOWER and adventure

FOREST Jayagiri BANDUNG, TOWER and adventure -
Forest Jayagiri Bandung , travel and adventure - sights Bandung many . Bandung, West Java is still existing places or attractions that are beautiful and the landscape is very exotic, for you who like adventure or adventurous, Forest Jayagiri Bandung, specifically in northern Bandung, counted as reference and attraction for you. Jayagiri forest is located not far from the place or the other attractions that are well known in the city of Bandung, namely Gunung Tangkuban Perahu Bandung. This attraction has an area of ​​about 10 hectares.

hutan jayagiri bandung
forest atmosphere Jayagiri, cool and quiet

forest Attractions Jayagiri Lembang is forest hiking trails are used by nature lovers to climb the mountain, through the forest or simply picnic kesumpekan version of the daily work which is quite annoying. Jayagiri forests are natural forests is very beautiful, the air is clean and fresh feeling when inhaled, it is also a natural water source that can be used by visitors or tourists. The area around the forest is so quiet and of course, it gives the feeling for visitors seeking a quiet atmosphere. With the charm of the natural beauty that are owned and silence and fresh air of the forest to make visitors feel very welcome.

Forest Jayagiri itself forestry activities footpath slope around between 5-45 degree at some point, and even then very varied. address Forest Jayagiri situated at an altitude of about 1,250 m above sea level and rainfall ranging from 2,700 mm by per year. With terrain like this, forest Jayagiri Bandung, sights and adventure that I recommend for those who love nature. to enter tourist climbs forest Jayagiri Lembang parawisatawan must pay the entry (including insurance Perhutani) amounted to 2,000 rupiah, 1,000 rupiah motorcycle parking and childcare helmet 500 rupees ( the price at any time up to / change). C incense economically?

gerbang hutan jayagiri lembang
a corner of the forest Jayagiri Bandung

about 150 meters after the gate forest Jayagiri, the ramp will start to appear, then 5 minutes later, we find two hiking routes, routes that let water pipeline from sources Jayagiri compared slightly sloping . Then the right (classic) with the number of traps that are mounted knee and lungs to work harder. area attractions Forest Jayagiri Bandung is very easy to find because of its location within walking distance of other attractions, namely the attraction Tangkuban Perahu is already familiar to tourists who often visit the city of Flower, This Jayagiri forest Located in Bandung North bi his you reached the area. Lembang with a distance of about 2 km from the city of Cimahi about less than 17 km, and Bandung itself is about 17 km.

hutan jayagiri lembang bandung
the forest view Giri Jaya

well, for those who are looking for a travel and adventure, Forest Jayagiri Bandung become a tourist destination Do not miss. B How do we know if you are interested in visiting this attraction ?

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