Places Banyuwangi - Banyuwangi is one of the regencies in East Java is very well known, there are many places of interest to visit fresh in family. The district capital is also named Banyuwangi. The layout of the neighborhood. Banyuwangi is the tip of Java island.
The city is bordered by several areas such as Situbondo regency in the north, the Bali Strait to the east, the south Indian Ocean, as well as the District of Jember and regency in the west. Well, if you come from which area? This time will take you around to visit favorite tourist attractions in Banyuwangi .
There are at least 18 Places mandatory Banyuwangi visited when you holiday in the city is, in fact, there are still some, but as this administration is the better if you have a story or experience myself during the holidays in Banyuwangi please share it with us, so it could also be a tour guide in Banyuwangi for more
spaces compulsory Visited Banyuwangi
Kawah Ijen by :. id
after 18 Places visited mandatory Banyuwangi:
1. Locations of Red Island Beach Banyuwangi
the preferred tour in Banyuwangi the first is the red beach anyway . The beach has become one of the tourist destinations in Banyuwangi which is always popular with families who want to enjoy the beauty of exotic beaches, beautiful scenery, the soothing green of nature and white sandy beaches. In this range, there is a hill not far from the beach where the earth is red. You can walk around the hills at low tide. The hill is covered in trees and evergreen shrubs and looks just a little shade of red dusk.
The beach is a Banywangi the most popular tourist place that must be visited . It is a shame to miss. Its location in the district that has a name Pesanggaran degan Hindu temple Pura Tawang Alun. The temple is often used as a location ritual at times by Hindus who live around Red Island Beach. The inn is also already widely available around the beach for those who do not enjoy enough these sites in one day.
Different types of activities you can do here surfing and hunting. For surfing, beaches along three kilometers, and the waves are ideal for beginner surfers.
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2. Places of Green Bay and Green Bay Banyuwangi
Besides the beaches of the red island, there is also a green bay beach is not that exciting. This beach has crystal clear greenish color. If you are the first time to the beach is sure to be surprised by the beauty of the beach Green Bay.
The beach is included in Meru National Park Betiri it has a stretch of white sand and surrounded by tropical forests.
There are many activities you can do here, such as swimming, snorkeling, playing with sand and fishing. You can also visit Angel Falls are located in coastal areas. That said, a waterfall with a height of 8 meters is a bathing place of the angel at times.
3. Places Banyuwangi Watu Dodo
The beach trip Banyuwangi Watu Dodo is next. His name is very united if Indonesia translates roughly dodol stone. The location is very easy to find if you're on the way to the port of Ketapang of Jember and surrounding areas. The location of the beach is marked by a large rock in the middle of the road Gandrung and sculpture or dancers typical of Banyuwangi
Watu Dodo is located in the tree Banyuwangi -. Situbondo and only about 2 km from the port of Ketapang. This allows you to see the ferry to and from the port and the port Banyuwangi Ketapang. In the vicinity of the beach is also a lot of delicious culinary journey and love to pass.
4. Temple Island Rajegwesi Banyuwangi
Turkish Rajeg WESI become the one of the favorite tourist destinations in Banguwangi which is always crowded with tourists. The beach is located in the village of Sarongan, District Pesanggaran a tourist spot alamsekaligus story is very interesting to visit. Being here, you can see the beautiful beaches and the rest of the triumph of the Japanese bunker during the colonial period.
Rajegwesi Beach has a uniqueness that does not belong to him many other beaches. The brown sand beach and very tender. Indeed, beach sand mixed with silt carried by the river during the floods.
In the eastern part of this range, you can see the field is left as nesting turtles.
5. Temple Island Plengkung Banyuwangi
A more attractive tourist in Banyuwangi is Plengkung beach or also called G-Land. For those of you who love to surf, this is the place. This beach is very popular with the enormous waves rolling-roll. Tourists from different countries and regions come here to enjoy surfing on Waves giants The Seven Wonder. The nickname was given because of the waves on the beach is a seven large rolls with a height of 6 meters. Waves on the beach is also called the best waves in the world after the waves in Hawaii.
The best time to ride the Plengkung beach is between the months of July to September, although the waves here are pleasant all year round, if you do make clothes surfing, you can rent here, so no need to bother to bring it from home.
If you are interested in surfing, not to worry. The atmosphere is quiet and away from the crowd are these appropriate attractions for those who are nostalgic quality holiday. There is a tropical forest that surrounds the beach, you can go trekking and visiting a waterfall in the woods. Plengkung and surrounding beaches will not disappoint.
6. Subject Ijen Crater Banyuwangi
This is one of the tourist destinations Popular Banyuwangi crater. Kawah Ijen be a very interesting phenomenon to see. The view is incredible shape or Blue Flame Blue Fire that crater.
The crater itself is at the top 2,368 meter above the level of the sea. Crater measuring 20 km surrounded by walls as high as 300-500 meters caldera is ready to anyone who witnessed stunned awe. Although this crater as attracting tourists to get close, but you should still be careful. The crater temperature reached 0 degrees Celsius with a level of acidity which is able to melt the clothing and the human body.
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Kawah Ijen is actually located in in Banyuwangi and Bondowoso. The fire that is under the crater is blue and looks more beautiful when conditions are dark environments. For this, you need to come early in the morning to see the beauty of this blue flame.
7. Object Nature Waterfall Kalibendo Banyuwangi
The nature in Banyuwangi you should not miss is the waterfall Kalibendo. This waterfall is about 20 km from downtown Banyuwangi, Niagara Kalibendo offers incredible views of the beautiful and soothing, crystal clear waters and rivers with cold water flowing around 'a waterfall. Being in the highlands, it has an air travel membuattempat fresh and pleasant.
If from Kampung Anyar, Glagah, you'll be treated to an equally beautiful view are. You will be asked to pass through plantations of tea, coffee and cloves soothing stretch of green eyes. Also rustic atmosphere, you can feel on the way to the waterfall is 10 meters high.
8. Object Nature Waterfall Lider Banyuwangi
Waterfall Lider become a favorite tourist destination in the next Banyuwangi. LocationNY on Sumber Arum, District Songgon. Located at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level makes Niagara Lider quite difficult to access. Pretty heavy ground requires great endurance. Waterfall Lider has a height of 60 meters.
But calm, incredibly beautiful scenery you can expect during the trip to this tourist spot. You pass through the extent of the estate, seven rivers in the forest and if you are lucky, it is quite possible to meet the monkeys and birds during the trip. We recommend that you perform enough stock because there is no food vendors around the waterfall.
9. Kali Agro Tourism Klatak Banuwangi
You can also enjoy an exciting vacation in agrotourism Klatak time. This agritourism has existed since the days of the former Dutch and are now owned by the natives, R. Soehoed Prawiroatmodjo.
Located on the slopes of a height of 450 meters above sea level makes the soil here is fertile suitable for all agriculture, ecotourism is also well developed. Results include rubber plantations, coffee, chocolate, coconut, fruits and a variety of spices. More interesting is the ritual alms maintaining land Every April 17th.
10. Family travel sites have in Banyuwangi Bains Parks
in Banyuwangi travel places you should not miss is Tell Bains Park. The bathhouse in Taman Desa Suruh, District Glagah.
sites of 3.5 hectares is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above the level of the sea. Previously, the area is barren and empty, but there are sources cold rocks. Seeing the potential, this area is built in a tourist place in Banyuwangi.
11. Places Family Nature Reserve Baluran Banyuwangi
another Banyuwangi tourism destinations that must be visited is C natural order Baluran. How natural is located 35 km north of Banyuwangi. This place is designated as a conservation area with a variety of plants and animals. The uniqueness of this place is the prairie or savannah in it is a variety of wildlife. Travelers can enjoy the beauty of this nature reserve through the watchtowers. You can see the entire conservation wolayah and activity in animals that live there.
12. Activities Bama Coast at Banywangi
Active Banyuwangi yet mandatory beach we visited, namely Bama beach. The beach itself is always included in the natural reserve of Baluran. His condition is still very beautiful and not less exotic beaches of Bali. Here you can see the mangroves. To relax with your family can enjoy some open spots. Sea water is still clear and not too deep so that children can always play with parental supervision. Coral reefs with a variety of colors that you can see with the naked eye. You can also plunge into the beach to see the coral reefs near the line. Access to the beach trip is relatively stiff, so you're supposed to wear comfortable shoes. During the trip, there are views of the tropical forests and wild birds that you can see.
13. Temple Island Sukamade Banyuwangi
Another beautiful beach in Banyuwangi, namely range Sukamade. This beach has a natural beauty that is beautiful. With clean water and areas that are still wake up every alamiannya. Here you can observe turtle conservation is off. To access the beach you have to actually physically strong because of the rugged terrain. Prepare the image recording device you need to capture the corners of exotic beaches.
14. Holiday Fun for Places in Mangrove Bedul Banyuwangi
you want to feel the atmosphere of the natural shade by boat, you can mangrove Bedul advantage in this area is listed in the area of nasioanl Alas Purwo park provides the scenic beauty of the mangrove forests in the lower reaches of the watershed that Stail naturally become area of brackish marshes known as Segara Chicks . The area is a natural, beautiful, and this silence is to have a length of 17 kilometers surrounded by mangroves are natural.
15. wasp Island Tourist Attractions in Banyuwangi
Banyuwangi also has a beauty in the sea was amazing. If you want to do activities scuba diving at the beach Tabuhan Banyuwangi is choice. This beach has crystal clear water and pristine white sand. The location is Bangsring Village, District Wongsorejo, remote wasp island is only about 20 km from downtown Banyuwangi. Uninhabited It has an area of about 5 hectares with the character of sandy beaches and the sea water is so clear.
In order to achieve the wasp on the island, you have to cross the sea through Turkish Kampe, Beach access Kampe This can be done by the existing path in the garden Pasewaran, a garden that is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII. There are many fishermen on the beach Kampe, and there is also a boat that is ready to take you to the island of the wasp with approximately 30 minutes travel time.
16. culinary place in Banyuwangi
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You want to enjoy a delicious culinary offerings in Banyuwangi? In fact, there are many eating places you can visit, but try Kombonge duck Kobong.
Not only the duck kobong menu that you can enjoy here, other menus that are not less mantab to be enjoyed include :. Chicken Kobong, Guts Kobong and the last menu Gurameh Kobong
Intrigued by this single menu? In order not curious, you please come to Lesehan Duck Kobong Jl Katamso north Parliament (open from: 13:00 - 24:00)., Or you can come to Kombonge (home) Duck Kobong Jl. fish Tengiri No. 7B (man Banyuwangi East). Or if you are busy and want delivery please call in numbers: 081 217 155 565
17. Challenging rides Vacation Adventure X -Badeng Banyuwangi
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As with extreme sports rafting? Then you should try X-Adventure Badeng Banyuwangi . You can visit by car or motorcycle also by public transport, the road Banyuwangi City then you must mount the transport of ROGOJAMPI office junction station to go to Songgon, thence low market more songgon can ride motorcycles. If you're district tiles, then you must stop at the fork on the market and drive Gendoh Sragi public transport service.
At this point, we have transactions immediately with the Director of X-Adventure Badeng and choose the path of extreme tubing 2 with a distance of about 3.5 km and the estimated duration of 1.5 hours. There are two routes are offered, namely Extreme Extreme One and Two. An extreme at a distance of about 6-7 km and the travel time of 3-4 hours. Because it is still a beginner, then I and friends choose the path Extreme Double the price of £ 40 and £ 5 for photos. After installation of all safety equipment, I and friends Jebeng Thulik towards starting rafting using a pickup. And amazing ... the scenery offered during the trip to start very beautiful. Green pine forest and the air is very cool made the trip very enjoyable.
All the way down the river landscape offered was very beautiful, from rice fields, plantations, cliffs, until the rocks to regular outside. The trip ends with a date that was provided by the X-Adventure Badeng manager. You want to feel the sensation? You can go directly to the X-Adventure in Sub Badeng Songgon Banyuwangi and may contact the manager in advance CP Yusuf 08525077923 - 085236034505. (Source:
18. Attractions Bains Bannerman family Pule Banyuwangi
well, it becomes sites Banyuwangi the last of us. Bannerman Pule bathroom area, in Sumbergondo rural district of Banyuwangi Glenmore.
If we want to visit water attractions Bannerman Pule, you can pass the road by car or bicycle or montor. can go north to the intersection dokaran Tulungrejo, if someone wants to take the train to get to the station SumberWadung ride motorcycles then Umbul.untuk that the tile can pass sempuh districts.
How? You've been dying to soon to go to the above areas? 18 Places Visited Banyuwangi mandatory us, if you have a recommendation in Banyuwangi other websites please leave in the comments or via the contact form. Can be useful and could be a tour guide in Banyuwangi for your beloved family. See also 26 Places in Japan and compulsory Visited Most Popular
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