Places Medan - Who does not know the city of Medan? City field is the largest city in Sumatra and outside Java. Medan is the third largest city after Jakarta and Surabaya. The city is very crowded at all, the movement of people to the city economy will "sleep".
Apparently, not only advanced the city are the main attraction of the city of Medan, but attractions. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Medan compulsory Visited of . Well, this time we will walk around the city of Medan and surrounding areas to enjoy the holiday fun and enjoyment.
Places in Medan Area
Here are 25 places in Medan and surrounding areas were forced Visited success summarize for you. This does not include Lake Toba and Samosir island lo, because it was discussed before (see: 31 Places visited in North Sumatra Photos ), please refer to the following:
1. Activities: Exotic Lake fluffing
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the first tourist attraction is the lake linting. This lake has a beauty that is very charming. Travelers who come to the City field required to stop at the lake that the water green.
location is not located in the area of the city but in Deli Serdang. This unique lake has a green and blue around which there is a rock.
Pilling Lake is located in the neighborhood. downstream villages upstream STM Sibunga interest Deli Serdang about 2 hours with the engine. A small lake that has a mystical but soothing to disekelingnya there are trees with long roots, mystic both enchanting! I most liked the atmosphere of the fluffy lake with cool and peaceful. Suitable for a refreshing holiday!
2. Places Nature Waterfall Two Colors in Medan
bi-color waterfall Waterfall or two colors in one of the favorite tourist attractions in the district of Sibolangit.
This waterfall slaah one of the most exotic on earth, especially in north Sumatra.
green and blue colors, especially tourists who visit for the first time come to be surprised pending.
this waterfall is about 2-3 hours drive from the city of Medan Deli Serdang to.
This waterfall has a height of 75 meters, and is located at an altitude of 1475 meters above the level of the sea. This waterfall layout are separated by rocks that are in the vicinity. A bright blue and cold air, another is green with the hot weather. The origin of the waterfall Two colors are not yet known with certainty.
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Get to the location: from terminal Pinang Baris Medan, you can take the inter-regional inter-city bus (Akad) Sibolangit to the terminal from the terminal by bus to area scout camp in Sibolangit. Then start the journey through the forest, and river crossing. Transit costs about Rp.. 40,000 one-way
3. Object Nature Waterfall Batu Belah Sibolangit
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Always the same spot number 2 attractions around the Deli Serdang, precisely Caravan Sibolangit, you can also find attractions that are not less interesting is Nature Batu Belah.
To enjoy this waterfall we just pay Rp 4,000 only, to enter in the place that regsitrasinya Waterfall Two Colors.
Where before have not I explain how to get to the location, you can now using vehicles with four-wheel drive and two-wheel, from the city of Medan Berastagi to about 2 to 3 hours of road in precisely located Campgrounds Sibolangit.
Arriving at the camping park proceed at guard for the registration and follow the instructions of the Registrar.
How? You are attracted to the views on this?
4. Visit Sibayak
Sibayak become one of the tourist attractions of Karo interesting place to visit, the exact location in the rice Tagi district.
Why this mountain is worth seeing?
because of the mountain scenery is very beautiful. The more a waterfall of two colors are very famous (already described above).
For those who like to climb this mountain is an attractive tourist destination and difficult to conquer. The mountain is not too difficult to climb. Usually, they go up on Saturday to Sunday. On top of this mountain there is a crater ramps, which measures approximately 0 x 0 meters
Get to the location :. Wrinkle terminal Pinang Baris bus is in Berastagi, rates around Rp. 5000
5. Visit Bukit Lawang in North Sumatra
Bukit Lawang become one of the tourist destinations in northern Sumatra, which must be visited. There are many activities that can be done here.
Bukit Lawang No location Leuser Park, this sangatterkenal park with an orangutan.
We can see the forest in Bukit Lawang, the orangutans in the wild that is wood or just feedings monkeys. Most foreign tourists stop here and tries roam wild forests of Sumatra. Distance Bukit Lawang from Medan is 80 km and to get there is by the city of Binjai. Around the park there Lauser Bahorok river and a bridge were great and could feel Suasa forest areas and rural areas.
6. Holiday Fun River Tubing in Sungai Bukit Lawang
In Bukit Lawang we can also bathe in the river. RIVER TUBING ! In addition, there is a wide choice of leisure activities can be done in a recreation area Bukit Lawang such as monitoring the supply gorilla, rafting and tubing the river.
7. Acid Beetle Crocodile Medan
Well, it outputs in Medan that must be visited, a crocodile farm.
Crocodile Acid Beetle Medan in a place of exciting and challenging holiday.
here ready to welcome you crocodiles "hospitality" as a crocodile. You can see thousands of crocodiles in the constructed wetland and also in pools of different ages crocodile until the age of 78.
Location Crocodile Acid Beetle in Sunggal Medan and very easy to find as many trasnportasi general, and the entry fee crocodile park sunggla enough to pay Rp 5,000
8. History Medan Maimun Palace
the land is one of the central development Islam in Indonesia, and the historic witness Maimun palace that still stands up now.
yellow palace rate held firm at the heart of middle of the city of Medan. Location Maimun Palace on Jl. Brig. Katamso Ex. Talbot district. Medan Maimun, Medan.
If your vacation in Medan do not forget to stop by the palace. Its location very easy to reach because it is a lot of public transportation and is located on the edge of the road Katamso and visible street front so easy access.
visitors can enjoy a collection of the Palace which just passed, but still intact, and the ins and outs of Sultan Deli Photos history of the kingdom, and fancy throne Sultan .
to enter what we pay only Rp. 5,000 rupiah, cheap is not it?
9. Religious Tourism at Masjid Raya Medan
highway Medan Mosque in the next tourist destination. The mosque which is firmly emblematic city of Medan.
city Medan pride Mosque has another name Masjia Raya Al Mashun which was established August 21, 106 in the form octagonal and a dome as many as five white pieces with colored dome Hiyam and make an incredible impression.
The place is easily accessible, the great land of the mosque located on Jl. Medan Singamangaraja. Not far from the Palace Maimun enough to walk 0 meters.
10. Nature Sipiso-piso Tongging
In addition to the two waterfalls on top, northern Sumatra still has a waterfall that is worthy of our visit, his name Waterfall Sipiso-piso Tongging situated about 135 km from Brasatagi.
The beauty of this waterfall can not be described with words, with a height of about 0 to a Sipiso-piso waterfall become more exotic.
The beauty of waterfalls and views of the beautiful Lake Toba and the sun to the waterfalls add to the beauty Sipiso-piso beautiful Tongging.
Get ready sports if you want to get to the bottom of Sipiso-piso Tongging having to go the 1000 steps roughly half an hour down the winding staircase the walking route along the steep cliffs.
really feel the adventure feeling so through the winding path of Sipio-piso Waterfall. Sipiso-piso Tongging beautiful because incredibly beautiful views of Lake Toba can be seen in the mid-piso Sipiso Tongging green hills with lush vegetation merges with the blue of the lake beautiful surrounding valley.
11. Sights Rahmat Gallery Medan
Thanks Galerry become a place tourism which is very unique, here we can see a large collection of animals that have been preserved.
There are many animals in different parts of the world that has become an attractive display at all. Rahmat Galerry is animal conservation with famous museum " wild museum ".
The animals are not accidentally killed many, but the animals were dead and preserved! You will be surprised by the complete contents of the museum really.
Here, there are about 1,000 species of animals that have been preserved and collected. Rahmat International Wildlife Museum location at Jl. S. Parman Medan Rahmat Gallery Rp 25,000 entrance fee for adults.
12. Holiday Fun in Kampung Medan Kling
When the field does holiday not forget to stop in the village rivet or now called Kampong Madras is the name of a place that da Medan which has a large Indian population.
Not far from the Sun Plaza Medan there is a single golden brown temple.
Kampung Kling Litte India could be called its domain. If you are fond of India can come DEH Kampung Kling prominent nose will be scattered around Kampung Kling
13. Enchanting Beauty of Niagara Tangkahan
Tengkahan itself is an integrated spot locations tourism in northern Sumatra. There are so many laps here, which is obviously very natural.
browsing and Tangkahan must be a place that should be visited when it comes to Medan, North Sumatra.
Here you can see a waterfall of spectacular beauty.
Travel Tangkahan be roaming wild forest bats in the cave, cubbing treking elephants and waterfalls or just bathe in the river with a beautiful view the mountains. Tangkahan is one of eco-tourism in Indonesia.
14. Try Keseruan Riding Elephants in Tangkahan
Well here is one of the most interesting activities of Tangkahan, explore the woods riding the elephant, certainly very exciting.
Oh yes, h Ampir all tourist activities here. This is the appeal and a complete set of Tangkahan The Hidden Paradise in the north of Sumatra. You just choose the one that taste like sweet or hiking adventure?
Not difficult to reach places Tangkahan because available transport such as buses are ready to take you to the destination. If tourists from outside the island, on arrival in the Kualanamu service, you can use Terminal to Pinang Baris Damri then go to Tangkahan. Travel time about 4-5 hours.
In Tangkahan tourist guides usually ready for delivery to the places you want to visit. For visitors who plan to stay in a few days, do not worry because it provided various places like Bamboo River Lodge, Green Lodge, Jungle Lodge Tangkahan Inn.
According to the hostel price information in place is quite affordable, but still with quality and good service, only about Rp 100,000 to 170,000 Rp. Not cheap enough? You will be completely pampered while in Tangkahan The Hidden Paradise in the north of Sumatra.
If you want ecotourism, must first pass Batang Serangan River flowing quite heavy. There is a raft as a passage means, try to stay vigilant when riding a raft, but not to fear. Enjoy the feeling of being on a raft in the middle of the swift currents of the river.
15. Places Lau Kawar Lake Seru
After the eruption of Mount Sinabung the name of this mountain became famous everywhere. It turned out that under the foot of Mount Sinabung there is a fund of exquisite beauty that is attractive to our visit Lau Kawar Lake.
The location of the tropical lake in the village Sigarang-Garang District Naman Teran Karo, North Sumatra.
It is said that this lake holds many mysteries and question marks, to unravel the mystery of a treasure interrogation.
The lake has become one of the favorite places for camping in northern Sumatra.
16. Activities High Heat Featured Snow King
Hot Snow is a place unique tourism in northern Sumatra that should be visited, how the heat of the snow? It turned out to be.
Please come Subdistrict Glare Kahean, Simalungun. Here you can find the warmth of the snow, but unfortunately to go to the site generally using motorcycles, because the ugly access road.
Distance from the city of Medan about 3 hours drive motor vehicles.
Snow this heat is Pamukkalenya Indonesia , a mountainous sulfur sulfur white and the other is green with a blue hot water around which there is a river. limestone hills are beautiful and charming.
17. Mickey children Places Holiday Berastagi
Mickey party Berastagi be a vehicle for the family are very intriguing. There are so many rides to play here.
There are at least 32 rides at Funland, holiday Mickey and beautiful natural landscape that are worth a leisure destination.
Moreover, now the holiday Mickey management has prepared several new attractions and thus particularly for the citizens of Medan and North Sumatra need not travel far to visit Jakarta for the pleasure of enjoying fresh walks.
18. Taman Alam Lumbini Places on the slope of Mount
Taman Alam Lumbini is also a favorite tourist site in Karo, North Sumatra.
The location is Tongkoh Village, District Dolat Rakyat Tanah Karo, on the slopes of Mount Sibayak.
This place has become a favorite destination for domestic and foreign tourists. In addition to a place so naturally, this park has a similar pagoda Shwedago Pagoda in Myanmar.
belongs Buddhist Pagoda whose length is approximately six to nine meters with a height of about forty-six point eight meters. On the other hand, the appeal of this attraction is, there are two thousand five hundred statues of Buddha that is so powerful.
19. Tourism Maha Vihara Maitreya Adhi
Maha Vihara Maitreya become a destination Adhi cultural tourism in Medan that you should not miss.
this attraction bertampat in housing Cemara Asri, Medan. That said, this monastery is one of the largest in Indonesia.
If we come to this place, then it is good to know is not to make noise in the monastery.
20. North Sumatra History Museum
If you want to know culture, traditions and the ins and outs of North Sumatra please come to the Museum of North Sumatra.
this museum is on HM Joni Street No. 51, Medan. This museum is the largest museum in North Sumatra, which has a variety of historical and cultural heritage of northern Sumatra.
Museum which stands on an area of 10 468 square meters consists of two floors, divided into several rooms, the showroom remains temporary exhibition room, dining audio- visual, etc. .
Museum of North Sumatra has a 6799 collection consists of typical animals of Sumatra, a living diorama Hindu statues of prehistoric relics -. Buddhist, and other historic relics
21. Activities Lake Siombak Medan
Danua Siombak become a tourist destination in the City field that you should not miss. The location is Village Paya Pasir, Medan Marelan.
Siombak Lake is an artificial lake of 40 hectares situated between the river and Deli River Falls.
Although the lake is an artificial lake, but the water is very clear with the color turquoise. Indeed, the bottom of the lake overgrown with moss and algae.
you can make fishing here. Children can also swim in the pool or play in the pool bath mini balls. The entrance fee is only 2,000 rupiah Siombak lake alone.
22. Points Culinary Merdeka Walk in Medan
If you want to eat a piece please you just Merdeka Walk was right in front of Old City Hall Medan.
here you can enjoy a variety of culinary specialties from different regions.
MW is a culinary center in Medan, entertainment, and is also the place of young people hanging out in particular night. Here, there are a variety of typical food stores Medan, western food and Asian food.
One of the most convenient places Merdeka Walk is the centerpiece of which is an area with lots of shade trees. Piece center is generally held live bands, rap, circuit breakers and other entertainment.
23. Zoo Medan (Medan Zoo)
Land Zoo became a tourist attraction interesting for us to visit.
Land Zoo managed and developed by the government of Medan where there is a large collection of tropical animals, mammals such as tigers, Elephant, Lion, Bear.
Medan Zoo is located in the village district Pintu Air IV Medan Tuntungan Simalingkar B is about 10 km from the city center. Rates Go to tourist attractions is too expensive, simply by Rp 7,000. -. And is open daily at 09.00 s / d 17:00
See also 20 Places to Palembang in South Sumatra and surrounding
24. family Places Mora Indah Medan
Mora Indah parks become playgrounds are fun for children and families.
The park provided a variety of water rides, such as skating, swimming pools, water boom, and others. Parks Mora Beautifully situated near the city of Medan, Tanjung Morawa precisely, Mora Indah. The point of the access park is also easy because the location of the park is located on a side street.
There is also a shoe with a height of 20 meters, which can raise your adrenaline. The pool for adults are also available here in the height of the depth of the chest of an adult.
water park area here is quite extensive, children and adults can play freely. Total area of the game is quite plentiful and sufficient. You will be charged Rp entry fee. 10,000 Rp. 20,000 when visiting Yosemite Mora Indah. Tickets will increase during the holidays or holy days. The park opens at 10 am to 18 hours.
25. Occupations Hairos Land Water Park
In addition to the beautiful park mora, hairos waterpakr also be a place for holiday fun with your loved ones.
Waterpark is located on the road Letjend Djamin Ginting Medan 14.5 km Air - location not far from the center of the city of Medan, the vehicle began to open from 10.00 hours, typically larger field directly attacked Daari visitors and other areas
There are plenty of rides here such as car bombs, happy dragon, mini theft, dizziness horse, video game, which is equipped with a coffee to relax. There is also a zoo, canoe, mountain bike cycling, windmills, wading pool (for children), wave pool, lazy river, waterfalls, and Waterboom as high as 30 meters three-way .
to the entrance we had to pay Rp 50,000 by - person during holidays and Rp 35,000 per person when an ordinary day. For children aged three and under are not charged.
In addition, visitors can also enjoy the reflections contained chair at the entrance to the water park. For this installation visitors are charged Rp 10,000 per - 15 minutes. Visitors will also get a souvenir in the form of a sticker when it came out.
How? It's amazing is not it? There are a lot of tourist attractions in the surrounding area must be visited. Do not miss the 19 Places Visited in Pekanbaru most famous mandatory
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