Places Bengkulu - Bengkulu is one of the provinces in Indonesia are located in Sumatra. Bengkulu became famous as one of The founding father of Indonesia once exiled here and married here. And now the house exile Soekarna become one of the historical sites that must be visited Bengkulu.
Society of Bengkulu province, including the Malay community. Bengkulu is adjacent to some surrounding areas such as Jambi, West Sumatra, Palembang and Lampung. Bengkulu become one of the tourist destinations of tourists from different regions Inonesia and abroad.
Bengkulu has many wonderful and famous attractions. Perhaps you are familiar with the rafflesia flower, existed in Bengkulu. In addition to historical sites, Bengkulu also save a million fascinating natural beauty and beaches dengna, Bengkulu as a place that " sexy for surfers. Well, almost everywhere sites Bengkulu should be visited?
Do not miss the 31 Places in North Sumatra
This time wanted to invite you around Bengkulu. For those who are already there, it is unfortunate that so it must be adopted. Here are 32 Bengkulu websites interest to visit with family or friends (those who have had a couple 😀 yes!).
32 Places in Bengkulu
let us refer to the following:
1. Long Beach Tourism Bengkulu
tourist attractions in Bengkulu The first is a long beach. Long Beach is a tourist place that must be visited. The natural beauty has become one of the attractions of this beach. Long Beach is one of the favorite tourist destinations in Bengkul, so it's a shame it happened.
The location is also very easy to reach. You only need 15 minutes to reach the beach from downtown. Why is named after a long beach? It might be because this beach has a long stretch of 7 KM, long time is not it?
In this beach you can enjoy a variety fasilitasm as started to accommodation, restaurants, cafes, shopping center, playground, sports facilities. visitors to the beach can be jogging jolly or also play beach volleyball with friends and colleagues.
sand also became one end of the main attractions, also off the clean white sand, is very comfortable to play. As the sun was setting in many romantic moments and highly anticipated.
you surf lovers? On this beach you can also enjoy unlimited surfing. The waves also very difficult. When you begin to hunger, there are also many houses and around the coast.
How? You are interested in the great beach vacation?
2. Places of Historical Bung Karno Seclusion House in Bengkulu
In addition, historical monuments Bengkulu you should visit the house leading exile Bung Karno. Bung Karno is a charismatic figure whose name is yet to be. His speech is a spirit of youth in one of his trademark
He not only respected friend, but also opponents. Even the name he made many street names in neighboring countries, like Egypt for example
Bung Karno exile here about 1938 -. 1942.Sebagaimana we know Soekarna have many women, only one woman is a beautiful girl, Fatmawati Bengkulu. In the history of our independence mengatahui he was the one who sewed the flag Sang Saka Merah Putih when the Proclamation of August 17, 1945.
You certainly want more is not it? Please visit this museum, highly recommended for all you young people, especially students. It is to instill the love of country. Here beloved bike Bung Karno, a collection of books, a love letter to Mrs. Bung Karno Fatmawati.
Originally, the house is owned by Chinese businessmen named Tan Eng Cian work penyumplai time as a staple for the Dutch government. Then the Dutchman has committed to Bung Karno in the home in exile in Bengkulu. To be able to sign in, you must pay the Bung Karno admission Seclusion House Rp 2,500 per person.
3. Places of Historical Fort Marlborough Bengkulu
The historical sites of Bengkulu is next Fort Marlborough. The fort is a silent witness to the Indonesian national struggle against the British. This fort was built in 1713 -. 1719 by the East India Company (EIC)
To become a great nation, we must know history, we take the lesson each event. About a spacious premises 44,100 square meters with a length of 240.5 m and 170.5 m wide, faces south and return to the Indian Ocean. The architecture of Fort Marlborough building is like a turtle, there is a bridge that connects the head and body, a bridge over the gap that forms a tail and a bridge that connects the entrance of 'outside.
4. Places Tapak Padri Bengkulu
In addition, attractions Bengkulu Other popular beach Tapak Padri. The beach was once used as a port seabgai penajajh England. The beach itself has become one in the row of Long Beach in Bengkulu. during the holiday season many visitors who crowded tourist beaches that Tapak Padri. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful sunset on the beach which has become a tourist attraction in itself. roasted corn and culinary treats others also complement coastal landscape is very charming.
The location was not far from Fort Marlborough, about 100 meters. If you mengjungi this beach in the afternoon, you will be presented dengna incredibly beautiful, sunset on the beach has become one of the tourist attraction.
5. Traveled to the city of Bengkulu Curup
If you holiday in Bengkulu do not forget to go to the city Curup. The city also save a lot of past history, one of which is the famous house governor of the British government, which is very well known as Rafflesia Arnoldi. Rafflesia Arnoldi also known as the inventor of the corpse flower, which is still alive in the Bogor Botanical Garden. Curup city has a beautiful view, it is because of the location of the city, there is an altitude of 100 -. 1,000 meters above sea level City Curup located above the mountains Bukit Barisan with views of the surrounding vegetables form fields are shrouded in fog typical of the mountains.
Curup city is the capital of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu province. This is the place that became home flower Rafflesia Arnoldi is famous for.
In this town you can go to the Kaba mountain, climb to the top to watch the natural landscape, it lured Or, enjoy a tour of Lake Mas Aaron Bastari. If you want a hot shower in this city, come to SUBAN Hot Springs, a hot water bath to Bengkulu with water from the mountains that go directly to the pool. Curup city is a tourist place in Bengkulu to the uniqueness of the region of interest.
There is ample place of interest in the city Curup, will be examined thoroughly.
6. vengeance Places Tak Sudah Lake Bengkulu
This lake has a rather ominous name. If in the Indonesian language, revenge is not endless. This lake has a natural beauty that is extraordinary. Sanga still awake from ignorance of human hands.
The lake is located in the village of Dusun Besar District Singaran Pati, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province. The lake is surrounded by green hills is a nature reserve that has a lot of potential and ecosystem ecological balance.
7. Places Lake Mas Harun Bastari Bengkulu
In addition to not have revenge on the lake, there are also funds mas fragrant Bastari you should visit. The location is Selupu Rejang Subdistrict, Rejang Lebong in Bengkulu province. The lake is also beautiful on the lake had no hard feelings.
To reach the lake, you have to walk about 17 km from the city Curup. In this lake there are many rides that can be played. You can ride a boat around the lake. It is suitable for family tourism. You can also play water bike is no less excitement.
8. Places of Historical Museum of Bengkulu
Another attraction in Bengkulu sejrah must-visit, the State Museum. The museum already knows moving, where previously it was in Fort Marlborough. Bengkulu government initiative to move it 3 January 1983.
Here you can see a historical collection as geologika, Biologika, etnografika, arkeologika, Historika, numismatics, filologika, keramologika art until teknologika, in total, there are about 6220 kinds of collections.
The museum is open daily, except Mondays, from 8 am to 1 noon. Nearly half of the collection is one of the categories of ethnographic or cultural properties cultural property is a survival supplies, such as traditional woven fabrics, ceremonial objects, weapons, and other well which is still used and manufactured and antique lighting that are not produced or used again.
9. Places Nature Bengkulu Mount Kaba
Another wiata natural destinations in Bengkulu must-see namely Bukit kaba. Kaba hill in the village of Source Urip, Rejang Rejang Lebong District Selupuh , Bengkulu province. This book has an incredible view. Did you know? There 8 volcano crater 5 of them covered by lush vegetation. To enjoy the beauty of the crater of Mount Kaba visitors must pass through about 307 stairs.
Hmm, in addition to travel also to exercise? Hehe, but you do not have to worry, after all dipuncaknya fatigue will pay off with a beautiful view of Mount Kaba.
In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery during the day, tourists can also enjoy the beautiful Curup night. Usually, visitors can camp here. Feel the thrill of holiday in nature
At Mount Kaba or Bengkulu community refer to it as Mount Kaba, you can also enjoy the beauty of Bukit Barisan standing beautiful and glow of sunset are some of the lure that you can feel in Bengkulu sites on it. Camping on a hill to watch the city lights the night Curup is something that is charming. To be able to sign in the tourist area of ​​Bukit Kaba in Bengkulu, you must pay a tax amounting to Rp 2,500 per person.
10. Rat Island traveled to Bengkulu
Maybe ask? Rat Island? What the occupants of any mouse huh? Hmm, indeed the island's name is quite unique. The island became one of the tourist destinations of the pillars of Bengkulu. The island only has an area of ​​about 1.5 ha is presenting the beauty of coral reefs in the vicinity.
Rat Island location on 10 km west of the city of Bengkulu . Palau has become a paradise for lovers of the underwater world. To reach the island mouse Bengkulu, visitors can through the Turkish nelayan.Perjalanan Jakat then rent a boat from here takes 1 hour. In addition, visitors can also be through the port of Pulau Baai then use a boat to Pulau Tikus in. This way you will only take about 40 minutes.
The beauty of this extraordinary island, the sea is very clear, very beautiful coral reef, colorful fish Warnia. Tourists will persist in doing this mini-island.
11. Nature Air Sungai Berau Bengkulu
If we had been beautiful things in Bengkulu, it is time that we run adrenaline. For fans of extreme sports rafting, river Berau to include in the list of sites that should dikunjung in Bengkulu.
The current was fast becoming a challenge for you. No place on Muko Muko-district, Bengkulu.
On Air Sungai Berau also include a unique traditional ceremony is the ceremony daro child a bath water. This ceremony is a ritual bathing of infants in this river.
12. Habitat for Rafflesia flower arnoldii Bengkulu
As I mentioned in the beginning was, in Bengkulu, there are flowers size of giants, namely B UNGA Rafflesia arnoldii. These flowers can be found in the forest province of Bukit Daun Kepahiang District Bengkulu protected so that impromptu sites because two flowers of rare flowers in this tourist spot.
For nature lovers, if bersiwata Bengkulu then you have to this place. Besides the two flowers that bloom there, there, there are still a number of tubers or potential flowers will bloom in the coming weeks. Earlier, two flowers blooming rafflesia also at the same time in these places.
13. Places Sepang Gulf Coast Bengkulu
14. Traveled to Niagara Curup
If you go on vacation to Curup City, then falls Curup should be included in the list of sites you visit to Bengkulu. No lake Curup also interesting to visit.
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15. places Lake Lebong in Bengkulu Tengah
This lake is an ancient excavation of coal mine has not recovered. Its location in the village of Surau, Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This beautiful lake is visible is actually a toxic acid water that pollute the environment.
The color is beautiful, with gradation of pale blue water, which can become green if it is the middle of the scorching sun. To visit here, have to fight harder and vehicles really are in the best conditions. Distance from the town towards Taba Penanjung Bengkulu, Bengkulu Tengah counted far enough, the 35 km. Surau to the entrance of the village, which is about 0 meters from the monument cannons, Taba Penanjung, then the fight is actually begun!
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16. Places Cascade Head Curup Bengkulu
17. Waterfall Sindang place Kelingi Bengkulu
another Bengkulu charm that you should not miss, namely Waterfall Kelingi object. This waterfall is located in the village of teak Sindang. To reach this area is not so difficult because of its location, right on the road, but to reach the base of the waterfall is very difficult because there is no road leading to the base of the waterfall, we must explore the ruins of the Netherlands buildings, where the steep and slippery
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18. Places Tea Gardens Bukit Daun Bengkulu
Bengkulu also have vast tea plantations. This plantation is located in Kampung Sajad, Bermani Ulu. Located 22 km from Curup. To get here, we can cross the Tabarenah-Talang Gambir intersection or intersection Pal Hundred. Tea plantations managed by PT.Agrotea. Tea plantations produce tea cap Dandang. These tea plantations Curup we can see the city and its surroundings.
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19. Temple Island Lais Bengkulu
If you are in North Bengkulu, there is a beach that you should visit, Turkish Lais, located in Village Lais, North Bengkulu. This place is visited by many local tourists and other regions.
Tourism Bengkulu Province Chief Edi Nevian in Bengkulu said, the subject of many notes dikungjungi apart is beautiful also nearby. "The beach is located on the edge of the road Rayat along the west coast of Sumatra, so it is very convenient for tourists who want to visit the website over this attraction has been less favored because it is not sufficiently known mainly by tourists from outside the area
the distance from the airport Fatmawati Bengkulu City Beach Lais, about 60 km and can be reached using public transport.
20. Places Curug waterfall Nine Bengkulu
This waterfall is very beautiful and you must visit while on vacation in North Bengkulu, located on Padang district North Bengkulu district Jaya about 0km of the city of Bengkulu. the uniqueness of this waterfall is because of the flowing water to form nine levels and each level forming several waterfalls offering a spectacular natural landscape.
Niagara is located in the protected areas are natural and very exciting to be visited by lovers of nature. Here is a large variety of rare flora and fauna with the natural habitat.
21. Activities Lake Gedang Bengkulu
A more attractions North Bengkulu you need visit is Lake Gedang. The attraction of the natural landscape of the lake by the sea, located in the prairie town Betuah, North Bengkulu. Located about 24 km from the city of Bengkulu.
22. Places coast of Bengkulu Jakat
23. Objects Wiasta Monument Thomas Parr Bengkulu
24. Forest Park Tourist Attractions Bengkulu
highway forest park, you can reach with a distance of 16 km from the center of the city of Bengkulu, which can be achieved by different types of vehicles with four-wheel This place is usually used as a place of recreation with camping keluargadan with beautiful natural state.
25. Center for typical supply Bengkulu
Well, if you are ready to go, there are centers in Bengkulu typical meal and a gift you should not miss. The location is Street near the intersection down 5 Suprapto, there are a variety of food and souvenirs here such as: lempuk, snails cake, cake, Bengkulu, crackers Palembang, two kinds of typical food Bengkulu. There are also selling trinkets, miniature Tabot small until large bags of bark, wallets, hats, everything lucu2, key tabot shape until the shape of the Rafflesia flower, where hp while the bark packed exciting and fun, Tempuyak, Bagar Sharks, etc.
26. Voyagé Kampung Tua China Bengkulu
In Bengkulu also a Chinese village. The village is also interesting to visit. The village is deliberately kept its authenticity by the government. It is located 10 meters south of Fort Marlborough, the coordinates 3o 47? 15.9? LS and 102o 15? 2.6? BT. Based on the historical data of this region is China's regulation since the British colonial period. The declaration supports the existence of the remains, the archaeological remains in the area in the form of residential houses that have a Chinese architecture.
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27. Places Travel Air Sungai Muko-Muko Berau Bengkulu
another difficult point you can try to do sports rafting, Air Sungai Berau. The river is located on the shores of the Western floor (Jalinbar) Bengkulu is 30 km from the city Mukomuko.
The river is very difficult because of its more obstacles trajectory. In the Air Berau upstream there is a waterfall in the jungle and unspoiled society, so the wisaatwan can enjoy the natural freshness.
The charm of the beautiful and enchanting is supposed to invite tourists outside the province of Bengkulu, especially now supported their scheduled flights to Mukomuko. Even in Muko Muko days ago teak city held rowing boat on the river.
28. Turkish Muko-Muko Batung Badoro Bengkulu
beach districts Batung Badoro Mukomuko located in northern Mukomuko, Mukomuko or about 300 kilometers from the city of Bengkulu. Along the coast many small stones that adorn the mainland so often called the stone beach.
29. Turkish Air Rami Mukomuko Bengkulu
Air crowded beach located in road west, about 10 km from the town of Muko-Muko Ipuh. This beach is white sand with the natural panorama of the vegetation of the pine forest. Most of this area is a nature reserve area. It is located right next to a road west, about 10 km from the city Muko-Muko Ipuh.
For those using the taxiway west can stop here for beristirat malanjutkan before travel to the city of Bengkulu or Sumatra. West
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30, Lake Nibung Mukomuko of Bengkulu
another tourist attractions in Mukomuko must-visit is Lake Nibung.
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