Tourism Tangkuban Perahu - Who does not know the attraction of it? Mount Tangkuban Perahu long has become a tourist destination during the holiday season arrives. For anyone in Bandung, then a boat to visit Tangkubang is an absolute must, taidak complete if you do not stop in Bandung Tangkuban Perabu.
This time take you to visit the attractions Tangkuban boat, for those of you who never went to Tangkuban Perahu, you should read the guide in advance, so that your holiday more enjoyable and can be maximized
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legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
Before that, it helps if we first legend conversation that developed in community origins gununug like this boat telugkup, Long story short, there is a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi.
This beautiful woman lived in the wilderness with his son who was named Sangkuriang, and a beloved dog named Tumang. In fact, not Tumang other than the father of Sangkuriang, but he did not know about it.
One day Sangkuriang go deer hunting with dogs her favorite is Tumang. However unfortunate, until sunset, Sangkuriang not get prey. He was afraid to go home because it may disappoint his mother. Sangkuriang decided to kill him and bring Tumang meat.
Arriving at the house, Sumbi ladies also warmly welcomed the arrival of his son. It cook brought by Sangkuriang meat immediately. Once cooked, they enjoyed together. We have not yet finished the meal with her son, Dayang Sumbi was aware of the absence of Tumang.
He asked her about the fate of Tumang. Frustrated and scared, Sangkuriang admit that dog meat is brought daaging is none other than the Tumang. Dayang Sumbi was very angry against Sangkuriang. He beat the favorite child, even stoned so that the head of the child. Dayang Sumbi decided to expel Sangkuriang.
After Sangkuriang go, Dayang Sumbi feel sorry for what he had done. It mengangis always, and pray that reunited with his favorite child. He asked for longevity and youth to meet Sangkuriang. Sumbi Dayang prayer was granted, it remains young and beautiful, despite old age.
At one point, he met a very handsome young man. The young man was struck by the beauty that is owned by Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi was surprised by the beauty of the young man. They both establish love. The handsome young man asks Dayang Sumbi to be his wife. At the same time, Dayang Sumbi same scar on the head of the young man with a scar in the Sangkuriang head.
Dayang Sumbi was shocked and panicked. He said the young man, she is his mother. But the young man did not believe, because how a mother still looks like a girl. Dayang Sumbi try to explain to him that he thought but did not gubrisnya, even the young man insisted marry Dayang Sumbi.
Dayang Sumbi also feel confused, he finally mungajukan illogical terms on the young man. If want to marry him, the young man must make the lake and its great boat at night, under the pretext that he wanted to sail the next day.
Hearing requests Dayang Sumbi young man was confused, but because of his love he menyanggupinya. The young man, who was none other Sangkuriang vigorously made lake along with a very large boat. Towards morning the Sangkuriang work is nearing completion. On the other hand, Dayang Sumbi pray that the sun will rise faster.
Finally Sumbi Dayang prayer was granted, the sun will rise faster and Sangkuriang failed to complete their work. Sangkurian became angry and launched the boat that was done to reverse in the middle - the middle of the lake. That of an upturned boat, then called Maras. Indeed, if we look carefully, the shape of the mountain looks like an upturned boat.
The above story is a legend that has developed in the community of the origins of Tangkuban which is well known by our company.
The status of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
has this mountain itself is still a active volcanoes . Mount Tangkuban boat is always under the supervision of the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Clearly, we could see Mount Tangkuban boat still active on some crater continues mgneluarkan of sulfur gases and other hot springs at the foot of the mountain, which include kasawan in Ciater, Subang.
the existence of this mountain and the topographic form Bandung is like a basin with lots of hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory that the presence of a lake that is now an area of Bandung.
Route attractions Tangkuban Perahu
back to the topic of discussion at the beginning, for tourists who have never been to ship Mount Tangkuban it there are several options you can take to get to this tourist area.
for those of you who come from outside of Bandung, especially those using private vehicles, there are two routes you can choose are:
- Pasteur Exit to Jalan Dr. Djunjunan - Pasirkaliki - Sukajadi - Setiabudi - Lembang - Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
- toll Output Padalarang to Cimahi - turn left to Jalan Colonel Masturi - until fork Jalan Raya Lembang, turn left -. Tangkuban Perahu
As for those who use public transport, you can take the road:
- length Terminal Leuwi (Bandung) - take the bus majors Bandung-Indramayu - fork in the gates of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
- hall of station (Bandung) - riding public transportation service station hall-Lembang - get off at the intersection (Lembang - Maribaya - Tangkuban Perahu) - riding public transportation service Lembang -Cikole - on the crater rim of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
Activities Distance Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung city is only about 20 km. During the trip, you digsuhi charming landscapes lined with pine trees and vast green tea gardens as far as the eye can see
Complete Address Activities Tangkuban Perahu
for the full addresses of attractions Tangkuban boat there, namely: Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Sukajaya , Lembang, West Bandung 40391, West Java, Java, Indonesia.
entry price Attractions Tangkuban Perahu
to be able to enter the tourist area of this nature, you must pay the entry
national tourism
- admission :. Rp 13,000
- Motorcycle Parking: USD 5,000
- Parking: Rp 10,000
- parking bus Rp 20,000
foreign tourists
- Admission: Rp 50,000
- motorcycle parking: Rp 7,000
- Parking: Rp 15,000
- bus Parking: Rp 25,000
* Prices subject to change at any time.
Attractions Tangkuban Perahu
crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
ago at least three pieces of Tangkuban Perahu crater best known, namely:
1. Kawah Domas
crater at Mount Tangkuban first boat was a cauldron doma. In this crater notes allowed to see the crater near. Not only the look, you can also try enjoyed poached eggs here. Interesting right?
If you want to visit Kawah Domas in the top four in the afternoon, then you should hire a guide for security reasons.
In addition to the three craters, there are more interesting than Mount Tangkuban Perahu, the Manarasa tree. Trees growing around these places have red leaves and if eaten tastes similar to guava leaves. According to residents, the leaves of this tree can treat diarrhea. Interestingly, they also believed that the leaves can also be ageless. Dayang believes Sumbi always eat leaves, so it remains beautiful and young.
2. Crater Upas
The second crater is a crater policeman. To get to the crater upas we must go through steep mountain roads and sand. Perhaps this is what makes the number of tourists visiting here much less compared to Kawah Ratu. In addition, the crater Upas also smaller and smaller.
Upas crater is located next to the Queen's crater. To do this, you must go through the steep and sandy. Perhaps this is what makes the number of tourists visiting here much less compared to Kawah Ratu. In addition, the crater Upas also smaller and smaller.
3. Kawah Ratu
Well, Kawha the third and most famous queen and terbesara Dalah the crater. This crater is located next to the crater of the policeman. to go into the crater, you can use a private car or a rental car in a place that will take you up to the Kawah Ratu. The road leading to the crater is not difficult, so many tourists coming.
Queen Crater can be seen from the upper floor with wooden railings for the safety of tourists. Beautiful scenery, you can see here. The ground around the crater mostly white with yellowish stones for sulfur content. In addition, we could see the smoke billowing from the crater.
In skeitar this crater, tourists can enjoy a variety of light snacks, various souvenirs such as hats, scarves, gloves, masks and other wood crafts. Not only remember, there are also stalls selling boiled noodles and hot tea or sticky fuel is a typical food Lembang.
Ratu crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
Activities Tips Tourism Tangkuban Perahu
Here are some tips that you should consider before and during the tourist attractions gununug Tangkuban boat:
- We recommend that you hire a guide who will guide you during the holidays it aims to facilitate your journey along this tourist area
- Since the temperature passable cold here, you should. prepare a jacket or sweater.
- for more sensation adventure, you must use the boots to facilitate your travel
- Because there are many points that contain sulfur gas, you should wear a mask.
- We recommend that you wear glasses so that your eyes are not dust intrusion
culinary activities. Tangkuban Perahu
As already briefly mentioned above, you can also enjoy a unique culinary Lembang form the famous grilled sticky rice tastes delicious. Ketan then burned given the mix a little milk and coconut spices -. Spices
Ketan these fuels small wrapped in banana leaves and then burned. The aroma is very tempting, with a delicious taste, it is the audience hooked. Enjoy grilled sticky rice is generally combined with a cup of hot coffee, which can add to taste.
You can also try the milk which is also famous for its delicious taste. Also da oncom Raos. Bandung cuisine based materials processed fermented beans. Hm, just delicious deh.
The information about the attractions of the mountain Tangkuban boat we can be helpful. Do not forget to share this article on the other to serve as a guide for others can also visit Holiday Fun Floating Market Lembang, Bandung, West Java
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