tourist attractions in Madura - Madura, what you imagined in your mind when the word? Everyone can vary, it is what comes to mind is the sate Madura, soto Madura until there also comes to mind is a weapon trademark, sickles.
Madura itself in the Java region, and there are four districts of the island is shaped like a cow, namely Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Although the size of the island of Madura is smaller than the island of Bali, there are a lot of attractions Madura interesting for us to visit.
For local authorities, some Attractions Madura Slopeng like the famous beaches, siring yellow beach, waterfalls and other attractions Taroan may have visited often. However it turns out, there are many other tourist attractions of Madura, which offers the feel of a pleasant stay with family.
This time will invite you to visit 24 tourist attractions in Madura interest to visit. However, before we know a little more about the society and culture in the island which has a population of about 4 million people.
Some traditions have a custom tribal society Madura is a style of speech that squarely, Madurese also known frugal, disciplined and diligent hard work ( abhantal omba 'Asapo' Angen ). Self-esteem is also the most important in the lives of Madurese, they have a philosophy: katembheng Pote eyes Angok toLang Pote
is basically Madurese a person who loves. From because the state of the region are not good for agriculture. Madurese also happy to exchange, particularly scrap metal and other junk. In addition, many of those working as fishermen and laborers, and some have become successful Tekonokrat, bureaucrat, minister or senior rank in the army. ( Wikipedia)
Attractions in Madura, East Java
Here are 25 Madura successful websites summarize for you if you have other recommendations please share with us so that could also be a guide for holidays in Madura following:
1. Turkish Slopeng
tourist attractions in Madura is the first beach Slopeng located in Sumenep.
iconic beach Madura travel was very popular for its local communities. White sandy beach is clean and smooth to make this excellent beach for dikunjung when the holiday season arrives.
Slopeng Beach is located just 21 km from the center of Sumenep. This beach has calm waves, so it is very exciting and fun to be friends children's playground and swim all day.
Lip stretching Slopeng beach along 6 km with light blue sea water and the shade of a tree on the edge pantainya.Untuk can enjoy a stay here, we only pay Rp 5,000 entry price alone.
access road to the site of the beach Slopeng good enough, so the travel time required only 1 hour. How? You are interested in visiting the beach Slopeng?
2. Turkish Siring Kemuning
tourist attractions in Madura are both also still a seaside resort, its name is Siring Kemuning beach in Bangkalan.
Turkish Siring Kemuning also be a popular and expensive tourist Madura to pass, the exact location of Cape Earth districts.
this beach has exotic landscapes and become a romantic holiday destinations in Madura. Especially at sunset, beach Siring Kemuning apparently reveal exquisite and riveting.
To reach the beach siring Kemuning we must drive a private vehicle. And more exciting play-calling to the coast, we can also enjoy a variety of culinary offerings that Madura most delicious duck Sinjay. With additional sauce pancit delicious culinary Madura makes it more stable. Besides being a culinary journey Madura around the siring this Kemuning coast travelers can also obtain patterns of batik Madura affordable.
3. Niagara Toroan
Waterfall toroan via
tourist attractions in Madura is next to the water Toroan dip in Sampang. Madura activities has also become one of the best vacation spots in Madura.
Exotic Waterfall give a great impression to the tourist who comes to visit, the water that falls directly into the so that makes this waterfall sea is different than others.
toroan waterfall is located in the village of Ketapang Power District. Ketapang, with a distance of ± 43 km from the north city center with the access road to the location of public transport lines Sampang - Ketapang -. Sokobanah
Various facilities are provided in the attraction of this waterfall as a means of shower / WC, a batch of vendor food / beverage, and parking is adequate. This crowded tourist during religious festivals, holidays and school weekends, so that you are interested in a vacation here?
4. Turkish Sambilangan
Another tourist attractions in Madura in the form of beaches to visit are Sambilangan beach in the village Sambingan, Bangkalan, Madura.
Indeed, this range, including many visitors, but the scenery is beautiful and natural.
To reach this beach, we get about 7 kilometers south of the town of Bangkalan in the village Sambilangan, district Bangkalan, Madura, East Java.
This beach is secluded, but when you get to this beach, you will always be subject to the vehicle inlet. For motor vehicles will be charged Rp * 3000) while the engine is 00 * Rp).
5. Vihara Avalokitesvara
Vihara Avalokitesvara via
Although Madura thick with the teachings of Islam very well known, but is there also a large temple called Vihara Avalokitesvara.
Vihara Avalokitesvara located in Pamekasan Madura temple, Jl. Pamekasan district Teja. Pamekasan, East Java.
monastery became a place of Buddhist prayer Chinese people is proof that religious harmony in Indonesia is very well preserved.
is in place, the Buddhist society dominated by ethnic Chinese make their worship activities. Well, if you want to go to the town of Pamekasan!
6. Gili Labak Madura
Gili Labak become tourist attractions you must visit Madura . The beauty of the beach Gili Labak make this place a favorite holiday destination in Madura, both by locals and tourists from outside Madura.
Island it was quite the renowned beauty of Lombok menandingin sites, namely Gili Trawangan. clear water beaches combined with white sand is clearly a combination that would spoil the visitor's eye.
For tourists interested in vacation in Gili Labak it must have first passed through by the time Port Kalianget consumption for about 15 minutes. Gili Labak is not large, because the size only as a football field.
Although it is not too extensive, but it has a beautiful beach which is very unusual, near Nah you cross the district Kalianget Telango which cost accounted for Rp. 2,000. Arriving at Telango you must cross again using a small boat with a passenger capacity of about 20-30 people. Because it was quite expensive crossing between Rp.500.000 - Rp.800.000 depends on your ability to negotiate.
However, when he arrived in Gili Labak, fatigue and the money we spend will be more important, because keindahana nature and beaches are very intriguing.
7. Turkish Lombang
beach Lombang via
Always on the beach, apparently Madura yet there are many beautiful beaches worthy of our use as a holiday destination with family or friends.
Lombang become binding activity Madura beach we visit. Clean beaches and white sand beaches make the coast Madura travel destination Lombang lainda we should not miss.
The beach is still equal to the beauty of the beach in Bali or Lombok. The location of this beach on is Sumenep, just 25 km from the city center.
This beach is accessible by private car or public transport. Not difficult for us to find this beach as a strategic location and the presence of the directions of the board. To be able to enjoy a stay on the beach or we simply pay tickets costing only 5,000.
In the future, should be developed places to stay on this beach, because until now, there was no place to stay for travelers want to spend the night, which should bring their own tent if you want to enjoy a night at this beach.
8. Travel Old Town Kalianget
power plant via
Kalianget Old Town is a town in Madura that offers historical value. Old Town is a tourist attraction that must be visited during the holidays to Madura.
In the past, the city has become a modern built in the Dutch VOC. Various historical relics can be considered pool relic of the Dutch period, the construction of the first plant, the PT Persero salt, and the VOC fortress.
Old Town is in the eastern city Sumenep. Not only can visit various historical places, you can also take pictures in places that have a unique architecture. Tourists who come on holiday here will not be charged or free.
9. Sumenep Great Mosque
mosque via
Great Mosque of Sumenep become tourist attractions in Madura offer religious tourism. This large Majid becomes a travel icon Madura.
This unique mosque stood proudly since 1779. This mosque also save long history of our nation and tercatata as one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia.
mosque also has a unique design building and antimainstream , so that tourists who vacation in Madura usually make time to just take a picture with backgroudn mosque that.
mosque is in square next to Sumenep makes it easily accessible by people who want to come.
10, Museum Keraton Sumenep
Another tourist attractions in Madura that offer historical value is the Palace Museum Sumenep. In the museum, we can see various historical relics of the 18th century, ceramics of the Ming Dynasty, codices, and so on.
Moreover, that became one of the attractions of this museum is it measuring 4 Koran? 10 foot. This holy book giant weighs about 500 kg.
The author giant Koran was a woman named Yanti village of Bluto. Location Museum Keraton Sumenep located in the city center, complete in Jalan Dr. Sutomo. - Behind itself Kraton Sumenep
11. Turkish Rongkang
Active Madura attractions still a nice beach for our visit. Turkish Rongkang also no less captivating the above ranges.
Rongkang coast should be included in the list of tourist attractions in Madura you visit. The location of this beach on West Village Kwanyar Kwanyar subdistrict Bangkalan, Madura.
Because of the beauty of this beach is not surprising that many tourists who visit this beach this beach you can see the longest bridge on the evening will be more beautiful bright lights were neatly arranged.
12. Turkish Nepa
Photos: Past Andika
Attractions Madura other form of beaches and forests in the village of Nepa, so the beach and the forest is named after the beach and Nepa forest.
location is Country Nepa District Banyuates, Sampang, Madura. The beach is very fit for swimming because the waves are not too big.
fountains satisfied, we could enter the forest nepa which houses monkeys that we can invite the game. To be able to enjoy the attractions of this nepa the tourists must pay Rp entry fee. 15,000.
13. Kangean Madura Island
Photo via
traveling here in the form of coastal tourism and marine tourism with rich marine biota.
14 underwater forests Kangean kep
In the underwater world Kangean island, you can see a variety of fish with beautiful colors and beautiful coral reefs.
keindahana enjoy the underwater world here will make us feel as in heaven, so that the loss feels when Sumemenep but did not enjoy the beauty of underwater nature.
15. Lighthouse Sembilangan
in addition, you can visit attraction Madura is Sembilangan lighthouse in the village in the district of Sembilangan Socah.
In fact, this lighthouse is located on the beach Sembilangan mentioned above. Suda The lighthouse itself has existed since the former Dutch colonial era, circa 1879.
Lighthouse for recognition built during Z.M William III. This lighthouse is located near the center of Bangkalan. From the lighthouse, tourists can enjoy the beautiful view of the island of Madura, a height (16 floors).
16. The longest bridge
Who does not know the longest bridge? Jemabatan linking Surabaya-Madura has become a driving force of economic growth Madurese.
The bridge has a length of 5438 meters and is the longest bridge in Indonesia today. This Jembata night is very beautiful because of the lights decorating the side of the course.
The main objective dibangunya this bridge is to accelerate the development on the island of Madura. These include the construction of infrastructure and the economy on the island of Madura, because probably Madura late compared to other regions in East Java.
17. Cultural Tourism Bull Race
Well, it is a very attraction Madura famous bull races. Karapan cow became one of the cultural highlights MainStay Madura is very popular and has become one of the attractions for tourists who come to Madura.
karapan cows themselves in the case of the race depends on the speed in livestock management. At first bull races are the activities of farmers plowing a field using a pair of cows in the middle raft using bamboo, bamboo is occupied by the controller (jockey).
However, over time it is favored by locals, even outside Madura Madura. Until the end of the show is still in the title each year from smaller levels such as Madura district level.
18. Mont Jaddih
Jaddih mountain is one of the tourist attractions Madura is very unique and relatively new. Because the attraction Madura is a limestone land mines or limestone.
Mount Jaddih Activities offers beautiful natural charm and is already diembangkan become a vacation spot that you should not miss.
this attraction is very easy to access, where the distance is only 10 km from the center of Bangkalan. Although bekaas landmines, but tourists flock during the holiday season arrives. This site was discovered in the village four village is Jaddih East Pasreh town, village and town Rabasan Sanggra Court.
19. Waterfall Kokop
Another tourist attractions Madura waterfall worthy to take us a vacation destination that is Niagara Kokop that in the village Durjan, Kokop districts Bangkala counties.
It is quite far from the city center, about 60 km. In addition to distance, to reach the location of the waterfall is also needed extra fight, Article access to this waterfall beyond the rocky road.
But of course, this is not a problem just mean if you are a true lover of nature, especially if the lovers offroad . When you first get here, you are guaranteed kana keindahanya watched in awe. The waterfall is no less captivating than the waterfall and waterfall Toroan Bungliyas in Pamekasan.
Expedition Durjan Waterfall Village district. Kokop, Bangkalan - Madura
20. Caves Blaban
tourist attractions in Madura cave next Blaban located in Rojing hamlet, village Blåbär, district Batumarmar Pamekasan.
residents said that the cave was originally discovered by Sati, one of Rojing villagers. Sati initially planned to make a well near his house, but when inadvertently dug wells depth of about 7 meters, he was surprised. Another resident who helped Satipun join ditemukanya surprised by a hole in the galianya good if in voyeur emits scintillation light.
Initially, residents were afraid when he found the hole before finally learned that within there is a cave. When the search was stopped. Until finally the place is open for wisataman.
21. unwavering Fire
Another tourist attractions in Madura, which is unique and interesting for our visit, which is a natural phenomenon of flame that never goes out.
this fire is out and usually returns the flame inside the excavated soil. Of course, there is nothing magic here because sebenarny fire is pure nature.
Want to feel the unique natural attractions in Madura it can go to Pamekasan Madura, precisely in the Village Tokol Prohibition, District Tlanakan. The location is also very easy to spot, as it is located just 4 km from the city center.
22. Sentra Batik Madura
via kanalsatu
Well well, not complete if Madura streets without making memories, a souvenir you can take is the typical Madura batik.
Please come Madura batik centers of Cape Earth is a typical coastal batik. Madurese batik products and wear because batik is part of the customs and culture of their day to day.
Kab. Bangkalan, East Java
From the location to the city center Bangkalan reach 50 km. You can go through Jl. Raya and Jl Meneron. Ten to Macajah Kingdom
Location is in Tanjung Bumi, Bangkalan, Madura, which is about 40 km from the center of Bangkalan city. Friends traveler can reach the center in Madura batik is by riding a motor vehicle during a 1 hour drive. Can also ride public transport with a major in Bangkalan-Cap Earth.
23. Turkish Jumiang
Another tourist attractions in Madura be interesting beach to our visit, the intelligent jumiang beach, this beach is the most famous in Pamekasan
address :. Hamlet Jumiang, Desa Tanjung, Sub Pademawu, Pamekasan, Madura, East Java
The distance is only 12 km Southeast Pamekasan City. Good road access, can be reached by public transport or private vehicles. Turkish Jumiang contrast to some of the other beaches in Pamekasan, as it is located on a plateau and cliffs.
To be able to enjoy the beauty of the beach, we had to pay Rp 3,000 per person.
24. Monuments Sampang
Monuments Sites meruapakan Sampang Madura precisely Sampang. This monument is point of 0 (zero) of Sampang. The monument is dark yellow metal stands majestic and beautiful here
address :. Gn. Sekar, district. Sampang Sampang, East Java
Monuments dark yellow metal Sampang, stands majestically beautiful, everyone greeting that goes up
around the monument Sampang there are several places that need to be known to those who visit the city Sampang, on the eastern north are the post Office and the Office of Telkom, the southern part there Branch Pawn Sampang wages. West there are broth stands "Accept" and self-Alfamart. North, there are mosques Jamik beautiful majestic City Sampang.
In the afternoon, on the west side of the monument Sampang occupied a playground for children and a place to sell snacks. Is it a special place for recreation for parents who bring their children.
25. Tirta Sumekar Beautiful
Sumekar Tirta Indah become attractions Tourist Madura, the last of us. The attraction is in Madura Lenteng Highway Km. 4 Torbang Sumenep, Madura.
Activities Madura is a favorite holiday destination for families, especially Sumenep people. To be able to log in and enjoy the various facilities that we pay only admission Rp. 5,000 on a normal day (Rp. 6,000 for a Sunday / holiday).
Various facilities you can enjoy adult pool bath, swimming baths for children, swimming baths, etc. Toddlers. Other ways to better provide comfort to visitors are also provided, such as ample parking facilities, entertainment scene, gazebo, tavern, children's play facilities, etc.
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