Attractions in Cianjur - Hello buddy Travelers anywhere. Taking a walk in Cianjur, West Java? Cianjur become a tourist destination in western Java by the surrounding community. Cianjur itself is a mountainous region except shores. This makes the city is quite cool and very convenient for us to visit.
Before discussing sites Cianjur , it is good if a little knowledge with the District that are included in this level Sunda. This area is located between the clamp several areas, namely Bogor and Purwakarta in the North, Bandung Regency, West Bandung and Garut regency in the east, the South Indian Ocean and the Sukabumi district in the west ( Wikipedia ).
Botanical Gardens Cibodas and Gunung Gede National Park are two of the most famous tourist attractions in Cianjur that you should not miss on your visit here. In addition, there are a lot of websites Cianjur interesting for us to visit, like the Turkish Jayanti, the presidential palace and other.
27 Places to compulsory visited Cianjur
there are at least 27 places visited in Cianjur mandatory successful described to you as the holiday travel guide here. Well, if you have a better experience or interest in Cianjur, please also share with us, so we can share again to others.
1. Temple Island Jayanti in Cianjur
Turkish Jayanti become tourist attractions in Cianjur that we reviewed. In fact, this beach is not the most favorite, there are other favorite tourist spots.
Jayanti Beach has a beautiful charming and interesting for our visit this beach ber helped Nature Reserve Bojonglarang and a fishing port. The beach is always very natural or nature with beautiful waves and winds can slowly add to the comfort of the atmosphere all at Jayanti leisure beach. Its location in the district Cidaun. Which is about 140 km from the town of Cianjur
exact location of this beach on Cidamar Village, District Cidaun, South Cianjur, West Java, Turkish Jayanti can be reached from the city of Cianjur and Bandungmelalui two roads, road Cianjur- Sindangbarang - Cidaun and Bandung - Ciwidey - Naringgul -. Cidaun
2. Places Family Gardens Cibodas Cianjur
Cibodas Botanical Garden is the one of the best tourist attractions in Cianjur, and you should not miss.
In fact, a plant physiologist, Dr. FW Went, stating that " assuming it is heaven on earth and Cibodas certainly be a part of heaven."
beauty Cibodas Botanical garden will make you and kelurga home linger here. family travel to the botanical garden Cibodas offer a pleasant holiday experience and not forgotten.
The location of this botanical garden is in Country Rarahan, Cimacan, Cianjur Located about 86 km from Jakarta approximately 0 minutes perjalnaan at the road crossing Bogor -.. Puncak -. Cianjur from the edge of the road, they have to walk or ride vehicles can also approximately 4 km to arrive at Cibodas botanical Garden. Eve in the botanical Gardens Cibodas very cool because it is located at an altitude of 1500 m DPL, around 18 degrees Celsius.
3. Attractions Interesting Presidential Palace in Cianjur
President Palace in Cipanas become one of the tourist destinations in Cianjur we should not miss.
The palace has a long history, built in in 1740 by Van Heuts in the wake of the 25 hectares.
The Cipanas palace about 105 km from the city, the site of the palace of at the foot of Mount Gede, making the air cool and comfortable place to visit.
Cipanas Palace which is about 16 km from the center of Cianjur. Even now it is no longer used, but the Cipanas Palace are well preserved. The scenery around the palace like herbs, vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants that provide the feel and the atmosphere is wonderful. This beautiful castle can be visited in general, but must obtain special permission from the Secretary of State.
4. waterfall Nature Citambur in Cianjur
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Curug or waterfall Citambur be one of the natural attractions in Cianjur the most famous.
to get to the waterfall, we had to go through the tea garden is cool and handsome, a trip to the waterfall is very nice at all.
fall from a height of about 100 m is located in Karang Jaya subdistrict, Cianjur performance. Beautiful waterfalls and beautiful, fun to be a vacation.
In addition, if you are in Cianjur or are visiting Cianjur, you are forced to visit the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango, here, there are a lot of cool places you should not miss
Visit also :. 19 places in Garut, West Java's most popular
Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park in Cianjur
a little review of the Indonesian Forestry Department, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park has a variety of ecosystems including sub-montane ecosystems, montane, sub-alpine, lakes, wetlands and savannas
under -montagnardes ecosystem is characterized by many big and tall trees as jamuju ( Dacrycarpus imbricatus ), and puspa ( Schima walli Ichii ). While sub-Alphin ecosystems characterized by flooded plains Isachne pangerangensis , edelweiss flower ( Anaphalis javanica ), purple ( Viola pilosa ), and Cantigi ( Vaccinium varingiaefolium ).
animal primates are threatened with extinction and are in the National Park Gunung Gede-Pangrango is gibbon ( Hylobates moloch ), Javan ( Presbytis comata comata ), and ebony leaf monkey ( Trachypithecus auratus auratus ); and other rare animals such as leopards ( Panthera pardus ), Java porcupine ( Hystrix brachyura brachyura ), deer ( Indian muntjac muntjak ), and yellow throat ferrets ( Martes flavigula )
Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park famous rich in various species of birds as well as 251 species of the 450 species in Java. Some types of rare birds are eagles Java ( Spizaetus bartelsi ) and Owls ( Otus angelinae ).
Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park designated by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve in 1977, and as Sister Park to Taman Negara Malaysia in 1995
5. Places Seru Gunung Gede in Cianjur
to nature lovers, the great mountain climbing became one of the necessary activities in Cianjur,
Almost every week there are nature lovers who want to try to climb to the top of the height of Mount Gede about 3000 meters. The peak can be seen clearly Cibodas District Pacet.
Gunung Gede are under Gede Pangrango National Park, which is one of five national parks was first announced in Indonesia in 1980. The mountain is located in the region of three districts of Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi, with an altitude of 1000-3000 m. asl, and is located at latitude 106 ° 51 '- 107 ° 02' east longitude and 64 ° 1 '- 65 ° 1 LS. The average temperature at the top of the mountain Gede 18 ° C and the evening peak temperatures of 5 ° C, with an average rainfall of 3,0 mm / year. The main door of this mountain is Cibodas and Cipanas.
6. Objects Nature Blue Lake in Cianjur
Well here's one excellent tourists coming to Mount Gede National park, blue lake.
during the first two hours of travel, we will witness the beauty of the blue lake. The color will be blue when the rainy season.
There are many fish as approaching when there climbers move close to the edge.
The small lake measuring five hectares (1,575 meters above sea level.) Is located 1.5 km from the Cibodas entrance. The lake is still looked blue in the sun, because it is covered by blue-green algae.
7. Activities Niagara Cibeureum Cianjur
A more attractions Cianjur a waterfall which are not inferior to the waterfall Citambur at Read Cibeureum yanga waterfall in Cibodas. This waterfall has a height of about 50 million and is located about 2.8 km from Cibodas. In the vicinity of the waterfall can see a kind of red moss which is endemic in West Java.
8. Activities Cage Stone and Cage Rhinoceros in Cianjur
When you visit the National park of Mount Gede, you can see many animals that are unique and interesting, one is the rhinoceros. Located at an altitude of 2,220 m. above sea level, with a distance of 7.8 km or 3.5 hours drive from Cibodas.
9. Seru square Suryakencana Travel Destination in Cianjur
Another beautiful place and you should not miss on Mount Gede, Square Suryakencana. square 50 hectares covered with edelweiss flower beds. Located at an altitude of 2,750 m. above sea level, with a distance of 11.8 km, 6 hours from Cibodas
The best season Visit: .. June / September
well to reach Gunung Gede National park places you can by road: Jakarta-Bogor-Cibodas with a time of about 2.5 hours (± 100 km) by car or Bandung -Cipanas-Cibodas with a time of 2 hours (± 89 km), and Bogor -Selabintana with a time of 2 hours (52 km)
for more :.
Office: Jl Cibodas PO Box 3 Sindanglaya
43253 Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java
Tel.. (0263) 512776; Fax. (0263) 519415
10. Places of historical sites of Mount Padang in Cianjur
Mont sur not a tourist place in Padang, the name alone is not grazing, but not within the scope of the city in the weight of Sumatra, but rather a site heritage of old ones at Mount Padang Village Karyamukti, Campaka subdistrict, Cianjur regency.
attractions of this story is a megalithic site in the form punden largest in Southeast Asia. Size of the building purbakalanya 00 m2 with a land area of approximately 3 hectares
. The stone blocks scattered everywhere, centered on the mountain that is very old at all. Not only there but also in rice fields around the houses, even predicted countless integrated into the bottom of the hill and the soil is very fertile. The location of this site is located at an altitude of 885 m above the level of the sea.
Visit 11. Favorite flower City Cianjur
the flowers of the city in one of the favorite tourist attractions in Cianjur, you should not miss, here there are many once a vehicle for holidays family.
one of the interesting things here is the "Little Vience" or commonly known as the reflection of the city of Venice. In these places, you can move using cano. Moreover little Vience in the city of flowers there are also games for children and a lease on horseback.
12. Places Nature Gunung Mas Puncak Cianjur
Still further, the beauty of the tea leaves, and planting is the beauty of this mountain tourist mas. Mas Mountain also provides a vehicle that can be rented as volleyball courts, football and riding horses.
13. Travel Destination Cirata Cianjur
The view Viewed tanks? D. It feels very boring, it is their own. But do not think that when you visit these reservoirs, your mind will be relieved you will feel in the middle of the ocean because waduknya great.
The function of this dam is actually a powerhouse, but since most people are interested to visit this object timbulah idea of opening a tourist destination.
waduh Cirata in what you can also enjoy far by boat for Rp 30,000 for 2 hours. The entry price is very cheap tank Rp 5000 does not include parking fees.
14. Places Leuwi Lake Soro in Cianjur
haven in the area of Cianjur districts Pagelara . This lake is a lake that is clear and clean and decorated with beautiful trees. The atmosphere is cool and comfortable to make you feel at home here. The price of the ticket is very cheap only Rp. 5,000 / person
These sites are indeed very cheap, fun compared to other travel, the price of Rp input. 4500 / per person. But far enough around 8km of Cipanas downtown.
15. Travel Destination Tirta Jangari Cianjur
A tourist attraction located in a puddle Tirta Cirata are beautiful and spacious, located in the village of Bobojong district. Mande, located about 18 km from the city of Cianjur.
Located in the district of Cianjur, West Java, is located in the village Bobojong Mande Subdistrict, Cianjur that of about 17 km. are in a puddle Cirata spacious and beautiful, this place became one of the attractions of the city of Cianjur because the place that a beautiful and easily accessible by car or public transport.
most who come here Intended family trip taking in the beautiful stretch of water and the surrounding landscape, there is also deliberately want to enjoy a culinary Cianjur rice unique form liwet, Dadak + sambal vegetables and grilled fish we eat in the restaurant which was located floating in a fish pond, accompanied by cool breezes and rippling water shaken. #raos liners nundutan direct udahnya so often "can ngagendutan.
16. Religious tourism Great Mosque Cianjur
This is a beautiful mosque in the center of the city of Cianjur and was first built in 1810 AD by the inhabitants of Cianjur whose name is not recorded. the mosque was built on land allocations Ny. Raden Bodedar binti Kangjeng Sabiruddin Dalem, who is the regent of Cianjur to - 4.
17. Travel Extreme river Rafting Cikundul Cianjur
Whitewater rafting on the river Cikundul is one of the attraction object is a pillar Regency Cianjur - West Java , also located not far from downtown Cianjur , even the trajectory of the path between the provinces so close to Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung .
activity rafting (rafting) in the river length of 7 km journey. Along river Cikundul There are several attractions which is managed seriously by Ministry of Tourism local call like this: tourist track off-road, travel Religion Dalem Cikundul traveling Cirata and Lake Jangari
[ natural charm along the river Cikundul with trees - towering trees, beautiful environment, more stirring the flow of clear, distant, visitors ever more by feel at home -. long
path rafting on the river Cikundul many places extreme fast enough with the current wave of big waves. But do not worry, because travelers who want adrenaline here, of course, accompanied by a team of professional and experienced instructors.
Diva Tour & Travel , a travel agency that makes rafting Cikundul as one of the pillars of the entire trip.
18. Cianjur Aquatic Resort Jhon
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There are different types of games available here include: Waterball, Boat Lagoon, mountain biking, trampoline, horse riding, and Flying Fox
19. Family travel Tias Tourism Cianjur
20. Family holidays in Arena Kota Bunga Cipanas Cianjur Fancy
Travel Clinics Fantasy Flower City are in Kota Villa Bunga, Puncak Desa Sukanagalih, District Pacet, Cianjur, a playground for children and families
Arena Fantasy is a playground for children, a variety of games contained therein, such as :. Bumper car, Rio Grande / mini train, fighter, antique car, bumper boats, river venture, ticking wheel, etc.
Open Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 08:00 s / d 18.00
The admission price = Rp 25,000,. - without the game (aged> 2 years full salary)
season ticket price = Rp 40.000, -. (tickets and 11 games as)
1) Bumper Sticker - 2) Rio Grande / mini train - 3) Jet fighter - 4) classic cars - 5) orbit Major - 6) moon around (especially children) - 7) Venture river / rowboat - 8) Tic-tac wheel - 9) horses magic ring - 10) Willy the whale - 11) bullet Bath (especially children)
games that do not include season tickets,
1) Bumper boat = Rp 15.000, -. per person - 2) boat battery = Rp 10,000 per room -. 3) Games = Rp 3.000, -. per room - 4) Midway = Rp 1,000. - per person - 5) Sniper = Rp 10.000, -. by 30 towers - 6) Fishy-fishy = Rp 10,000. -. Token
21. Activities Lake Enchantment Million In Cianjur
attraction theme lake is located in the city of flowers, with a variety of games such as the castle, bumper boats, bumper cars, octopus, bath balls, magic rings, welly whale, imaginary walk, wild west, risk river , live music and fun game.
22. peak travel Rindu Alam Cianjur
Pic missed nature becomes a tourist destination Cianjur, located on Jln Raya Puncak KM 83 (Puncak Pass, Cisarua), Bogor, West Java. after crossing the Grand Mosque At Ta'awun we will see a restaurant with a large sign Bernama Rindu Alam Restaurant is the highest point crossed the highway peak is at an altitude of 1443 m, slightly below the Puncak Pass has an altitude of 1463 m. To find this field, we are quite low Jln Raya Puncak continue until we find the mosque To Ta'awun, continued to climb until we will see the restaurant on the right track. usually pretty easy to find because the area visited by many tourists.
Nevertheless the location lacked nature has beautiful scenery and outstanding. North, west under miss kind are views of tea plantations and winding roads plantations advanced splitting of tea. Looks west side of the mountain slopes and peaks Pangrango Great South Bay side is a scene pangarango large mountain slopes. North side and is bordered by mountain scenery Kencana and the sublime mountain.
23. Travel to the tea plantation Panyairan Cianjur
The tea gardens Panyairan be a fun place to vacation in Cianjur eligible to make you spend holidays with family. The location is Jl. Raya Campaka, and Sukanagara Campaka District, 35 km from the town of Cianjur, black tea CTC producer owned by PTP Nusantara VIII, which covers 1000 hectares, with an average altitude above the 800-1100 sea.
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