Turkish Sawarna - Banten has many tourist attractions that we can use as an alternative to fill the holidays with family, friends, office workers or for a stay student. Want to see more sites in Banten (See also 28 attractions in Banten ? Previously we shared, there are also other beaches ( Carita beach ) in Banten that we have reviewed all the activities there, the housing until the road to reach the beach.
well, this time we will discuss the beaches are not as beautiful with the beach Carita- ie the Sawarna beach in Banten as well. Unlike Carita beach Sawarna beach also beauty and fascination, but to reach the Sawarna beach, we must fight extras and as difficult, but all will be rewarded once we reach exotic beaches in the country.
Turkish Sawarna, including the popular beach among a yanga traveler in Banten exists even outside of Java island. the location of this beach in the village of Sawarna Bayah subdistrict, Lebak district, Banten.
Image via swarnainn.com
We hope that in the future, local governments grant more attention to access to the site, to the extent possible not received serious attention from the government. If access to the location of the beach attractions Sawarna was nice and easy, surely will be more tourists who come to vacation at the beach Sawarna it.
In addition to the road conditions are less good access to the coast Sawarna also very difficult because the roads unequal access and a little steep hill. Even on the way home last spot road skyrocketing and some cars are not strong to stimulate vehicle above. So for you who want to holiday in the beach Sarwana confirm the vehicle you use is fairly good condition.
Towards Turkish Sawarna
We need to know, u ntuk to the hostel we had to walk about 10 minutes after the bridge wood of the past must alternate with those on the other side, or can also use a motorcycle taxi for those who bring a lot. Here it is the bridge that we have to go :.
Image via bantenwisata.com/
in the area had to walk again on the path to reach the beach kampong the beach is quite nice, you can enjoy surfing and swimming on the beach with free and unlimited. Here too, you can play beach volleyball
The beauty of Turkey Sawarna
At the end of the beach there are rocks you can make a place for berselfie ria. If you are hungry or thirsty after playing on the beach do not worry, because around the coast, there are many stalls that provide food and drinks.
For you Sawarna want to enjoy the beach, a few things to consider is the condition of the vehicle are well prepared, because the access road the beach is quite difficult. Then take only the items necessary in order not to hurt when he was taken to the hostel.
Indeed Sawarna is the name of the village, while the attractions of the village Sawarna dab around them is the beach of Tanjung Layar, beach Coral Taraje beach Pulo Manuk, Ciantir beach Lalay cellar shampoo cave and cave Thousand temples.
accommodation in Turkish Sawarna
It is that there are many tourist attractions in Sawarna, which is why you make a plan for a couple of days here, for accommodation ranges from Rp 100,000 to 300,000 Rp per night and includes food. If you want to feel the sensation again, you can set up a tent on the beach, but be careful allowed at room temperature or RW yes.
Route to Turkish Sawarna
Sawarna Village is about 270 km Jakarta and takes about 7 hours or more. To go Sawarna Jakarta, you can choose to pass or passing lane Pelabuhan Ratu Serang and Pandeglang. To go Sawarna recommend a vehicle that can drive through difficult terrain. Because the roads of the town Sawarna many who have passed through a difficult path. Also check the fuel your vehicle and put enough money. Because the ATM and POM short on gasoline
- Is Online: Jagorawi, Ciawi, Cibadak, Pelabuhan Ratu, Sawarna
- West Line :. Toll Merak, East Serang, Pandeglang, Gunung Kencana, Malingping Bayah, Sawarna.
How? Are you interested in enjoying vacations Sawarna Beach? Wait stacking soon your backpack. Also visit 16 attractions in Tangerang
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